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Resolving Wage Garnishment Problems

Courts now routinely order wage garnishment for collecting child support. Although wage garnishment can be convenient and effective means of collecting support payments, it can also generate major problems for you if your employer is inept or irresponsible.

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Dealing With A Child Who Wants To Change Residency

A situation often encountered with children of divorce or separation is when they express a desire to want to live with their non-custodial parent.

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Defining "Substantial Change In Circumstances"

Once custody has been determined, any subsequent changes in the parenting plan must be made with the approval of the court. If both parents agree on the changes it is usually a simple matter to have the court approve the changes.

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ASPECT Test Information

During a custody evaluation, you may be asked to fill out the [i]Ackerman-Schoendorf Scales of Parent Evaluation of Custody Test[/i] or ASPECT form.

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Dealing With CPS:Demand a Copy of the Search Warrant

When a government agent (social worker, police officer, etc) comes to your door, they are seeking your consent to allow them into your home. Read this before allowing a warrantless entry.

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