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Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 5

Working With Evaluators And Psychologists

In the psychological evaluations and home-studies that will be done, you have to show the courts that you are a better parent. Sometimes the Judge will make up his or her mind before the hearing takes place from the information found in the psychological evaluations and home-studies.

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A Guide To The Parenting Evaluation Process

A Parenting Evaluation (PE), also called a Custody Evaluation, is a formal investigation that attempts to assess the level of each parent's respective parenting skills, and to determine which parent may be best suited to care for a child or children.

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Specific Items To Ask For In A Parenting Evaluation

When asking for a Parenting or Custody Evaluation, there are a number of items you should have your attorney specify with respect to the "Findings" or "Recommendation" section of the evaluator's final report. Instruct your attorney to request (in writing) that the following items be covered in the evaluator's report.

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Preparing For A Custody Trial

This article was primarily intended for custody evaluators, but the scope and content of the article makes it suitable for anyone who may be involved in a custody evaluation or trial. Read carefully and you may learn quite a bit.

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Overturning Parenting Evaluations

Overturning or invalidating a Parenting Evaluation is a difficult thing to do. If you think that the evaluator is biased or is conducting the evaluation improperly, notify your attorney immediately.

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