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Pages: 1 [2] 3

Simple Shared Parenting Plan

This simple Shared Parenting Plan (SPP) has been designed as a basic starting template for shared custody between divorced parents. As with all the sample forms on this site, you will need to edit it to conform to your particular circumstances.

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Suggested Parenting Plan Stipulations

These items should be included in almost any Parenting Plan. Many of these are standard stipulations that are often overlooked when the final Parenting Plan is drawn up.

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Items To Resolve In The Parenting Plan

This is a list of suggested issues to have covered and resolved in writing when the Permanent Parenting Plan is drawn up. These should be considered as "starting points" for reasonable negotiation between the parents.

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Simple Parenting Plan

This is one example of a basic Parenting Plan that has been designed to address most (but not all) of the typical situations that can arise between divorced parents.

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Sample Parenting Plan (For Military Personnel)

This is one example of a Permanent Parenting Plan (PPP) that has been designed to address some of the issues that occur when one or both parents are in the military.

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