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Pages: 1 [2] 3

Extended Overnights by Infants with the Other Parent Are O.K.

An article by Joan B. Kelly, Ph.D., and Michael E. Lamb, Ph.D. showing that extended overnights by infants with the other parent are just fine.

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Benefits of Joint Custody

Statistics, Analyses, Data, And Anecdotal Evidence In Support Of Joint Custody Statutes

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Positive Scholastic Effects From Father Involvement

The excerpts here are drawn from a statistical analysis done by the US Department of Education titled "Fathers' Involvement in Their Children's Schools."

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Child Cost Economics and Litigation Issues

An Introduction to Applying Cost Shares Child Support Guidelines.

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Child Custody Policies and Divorce Rates in the US

This paper compares divorce rate trends in the United States in states that encourage joint physical custody (shared parenting) with those in states that favor sole custody.

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Why Imbedded Alimony in Child Support Causes Perverse Behaviors

The way support is paid gives the custodial parent an incentive to act in a manner consistent with his or her own best interests at the expense of the child.

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DHHS and BJS Studies of Child Abuse and Neglect

The DHHS report contains clear and undeniable evidence that the majority of child abuse is committed by mothers, not fathers.

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Joint Custody Study by Judith Seltzer

Does joint custody help to reduce conflict between parents or is it simply that more cooperative parents are more likely to agree to joint custody arrangements in the first place?

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Divorce and Fatherhood Statistics

Some general stats on divorce and fatherhood.

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Child Support Myths and Facts

The largest number of those that "owe back child support" actually don't exist.

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