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Review of Win Your Child Custody War

An outstanding book that genuinely qualifies as a "must have" book.
A review of Win Your Child Custody War, by C. Hardwick, ISBN 0-9640227-1-0. $79.00, available from the publisher at this link: Win Your Child Custody War. Pale Horse Publishing, PO BOX 1447, Livingston, TX 77360-1447 (409) 967-8970.

Win Your Child Custody War is almost without question the most comprehensive manual ever assembled on the subject of prevailing in a child custody dispute. At almost 650 pages, Win Your Child Custody War manages to cover everything, and we mean everything. Start praying right now that your spouse doesn't get her hands on a copy of this book because, as an acquaintance of ours from Jamaica would say, this book is "powerful ju-ju, mon".

Win Your Child Custody War provides the means to construct a "battle plan", and then instructs you in detail on how to wage a clean, focussed legal battle to obtain your objective. The book is absolutely cram-packed with information on strategies and techniques, expert witnesses, psychologists, evaluations, attorneys, security concepts and practice, filing pro se motions, and many, many more topics. The Table of Contents is 6 pages long all by itself, and that's in a reduced font size.

There's a lot of information packed into this book. Assembling all this information separately would literally require you to locate and purchase hundreds of different books. Fortunately, the authors have done this for you, distilling the information down into a total of 28 extremely detailed chapters. You're sure to find help and advice on virtually any subject related to child custody.

Also included is an extensive "Help & Where To Find It" section with over a thousand addresses, phone numbers and web sites where you can go to get assistance on the specific problem or subject of interest to you. (Okay, it's 1003 separate listings, but that is over a thousand. If you can't find the help you need in this list, you better go back to your home planet.)

One concept that Win Your Child Custody War stresses over and over is the importance of documentation. Ready-to-use contact logs, telephone logs and a wide range of other ready-to-use blank forms are included. Where Win Your Child Custody War shines is that not only are the blank forms and log sheets provided, but the book shows you how to use them to maximum effect. Tips and tricks on properly using documentation are covered extensively, with specific instructions on how to write log entries, telephone conversation summaries, and so on. All together there are more than 45 blank forms and documents included with Win Your Child Custody War.

A chapter simply labeled "Attorney" will be an eye-opener for a lot of people. This section has a wealth of good information on topics such as which attorneys NOT to hire, what an attorney can and cannot do, the "Good Old Attorney System", and "Handling A Bad Attorney", plus a host of other subjects. There are also chapters devoted exclusively to "Judges", "Conflict Resolution", "Lies & Perjury", and "Abuse, Kidnapping & Allegations".

The entire book is formatted into easily readable chunks of text, however, each subject is covered thoroughly. The format works; reading the book is not the chore one might expect of a tome this size. According to a note shipped with the book, the font size has recently been reduced in order to fit more on a page and to reduce the number of pages as well. The authors sensibly used a classic serif font for ease of reading, and although the text is smaller than typically found in bound publications, it is not difficult to read. The extremely comprehensive Index and Table of Contents make it easy to quickly find the material you're looking for.

Win Your Child Custody War provides methodical, indexed coverage of virtually any subject that might part of a custody battle. As we always do, we ask ourselves and others the ultimate test question: "If I had the opportunity to buy this book during my divorce, would the information in it have been worth $79.00 to me?" In this case, the answer is a resounding "Yes".

Let's put it this way: The only way you wouldn't need this book is if you're already a highly skilled and very experienced family law attorney. If we had to pick between Win Your Child Custody War and "Psychologists 1999 Custody Strategies For Parents", (a book we reviewed previously) there is no question but that Win Your Child Custody War would be the better choice. We highly recommend and fully endorse Win Your Child Custody War as "the book to have" when it comes to child custody.

We rate Win Your Child Custody War as a 5-star resource (on a scale of 1 to 5).

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