TO: [fill in appropriate governing body]
[fill in appropriate address]
City, State, ZIP
RE: Ethics Violations By [name of attorney]
I hereby lodge an official complaint against [name of attorney] who is licensed in the State of [name of State], and is therefore subject to the [name of State] Office of Disciplinary Counsel.
Nature of the complaint:
[name of attorney] engaged in unethical behavior as detailed below:
[Detail the nature of the complaint. Be succinct and factual, do not enagage in any sarcasm or remarks of a personal nature. Offer to provide documentation or other proof upon request. You should also cite or paste in a copy of the specific guidelines that have been violated, or you can include it below.]
Date of Violation:___________________
Date Violation Discovered if different from above:________________
Other Relevant Information:
[Detail any other relevant information or event(s) here. This is a good place to cite or paste in a copy of the specific guidelines that have been violated, or you can include it above. Delete this section if your complaint is fully explained in the section above.]
I am sure the [name of governing body] will find this issue worthy of investigation, and I look forward to hearing from you as to the disposition of this matter. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require additional information or have any questions.
Yours Truly,
[Your Name]
[Phone number]