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The Disenfranchised Father by Robert E. Fay

The Disenfranchised Father, written by Robert E. Fay, examines many of the pervasive social notions and conventions that contribute to an atmosphere in today's culture that allows fathers to be unilaterally 'excised' from their families and their children's lives against their will.
Many of the subjects Mr. Fay touches upon are so deeply rooted on society and everyday life that they are often taken completely for granted. From the gender-biased notions that our society holds of "motherhood" and "fatherhood" to the uneven playing field of Family Court, Mr. Fay neatly lays out the main elements of a classic "fatherectomy"- the process whereby a father is systematically removed from his home, kept from meaningful contact with his children (there's a reason it's called visitation) and then punished financially and emotionally for helping to create the family he is no longer allowed to be a part of.

Read The Disenfranchised Father (PDF)

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