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Feb 09, 2025, 05:48:40 AM

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Anti "Lost Dogs" Ad

Alabama Governor Don Siegelman recently used public funds to place a series of extremely offensive, anti-father ads in Alabama newspapers. These ads were entitled "Lost Dogs, Have You Seen Us?", and featured pictures of fathers who (according to the State of Alabama) are behind in their child support payments. Never mind the fact that a similar ad featuring women would have never been allowed to be run, and never mind the fact that most fathers are dedicated and loving parents.

But all that counts for nothing in Alabama, where fathers are now officially compared to dogs. Not content with smearing fathers en masse, Governor Siegelman went even further. "I don't want to give canines a bad name," he joked. Yessiree, that's mighty funny, Governor.

In response to this State-sponsored attack on fathers, a coalition of child- and father-advocates from across the country (including SPARC) donated funds to run an "anti-ad" showing Governor Siegelman as he really is: a despotic, uncaring bureaucrat.

Reproduced below is the notice that was run in response to Governor Siegelman's "Lost Dogs" ad.

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