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Therapist issues...

Started by gemini3, Jul 16, 2007, 01:18:17 PM

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I need to find out how I can stop a therapist from treating my daughter.  I have joint legal custody of my daughter.  I do NOT want this therapist treating her, and have communicated such to my ex on several occaisions, and to the therapist.  I have asked for a different therapist and/or a second opinion, and my ex has refused and states that she won't stop taking her.  

How can I make this stop?  How is it legal for a someone to treat my child against my wishes?  I don't understand how this is possible, yet it is happening.  I don't understand how a therapist can get away with this.  

I would appreciate any advice.  Thank you.


My understanding of joint custody is that whoever has the child has the say so over where/what to do with the child, UNLESS it is specifically spelled out in the court order directing one parent to make final say on medical,educational, etc issues.

If it is something that you think is harmful(therapist planting info, false memories, etc  in kids head, discouraging a relationship with the other parents, etc..) then you may want to ask the court to intervene. I don't know how or if that would work.


Gemini...if your ex has physical custody of your child, that parent has the deciding authority on these issues.  

However, years ago...in 2004, bm was custodial and we knew ss needed counseling.  BM wouldnt have any part in it.  Until we found a counselor, met her, and then gave bm info before ss actually met counselor.  BM then took completely over and had this lady believing her every word.  SS didnt have private sessions,  bm would sit in on them, limiting what he said.  SS' behaviors were escalating.

Soc gave me info back then....i dont know if you can research that far back...Nov/Dec 2004.  Basically, we wrote to counselor expressing the issues we had with the services.  While the counselor did write refuting what we said, therapy with her ended.  It is best to start with rules of eithics/conduct for her profession in your state and see if anything violates those.  While you dont want to outright threaten, you can word your letter to include these.  If the therapist is like  a licensed social worker, licensed counselor, etc.....then I would express that I feel my child needs someone more qualified, especially if the child's issues are worsening.

WE took ss to a more qualified therapist, but bm would not participate at all and the judge stood behind her.  AFter he got in trouble, a different custody judge ordered counseling.....

Incidentally, last year before custody reversed she took ss to a counselor - licensed social worker.   SS never had a private session.  BM would not give us any info as to appt times, name of counselor, etc....We had to write to clinic to find out name of counselor...and we got copies of the sessions...BM was lying to counselor, making false statements about dh.
We requested a change to the files, while they could not change the files..they did add our comments to the files.  Though counseling was court ordered, ss case was dropped at the clinic because bm was not taking him to sessions...

Best wishes....


>I need to find out how I can stop a therapist from treating
>my daughter.  I have joint legal custody of my daughter.  I do
>NOT want this therapist treating her, and have communicated
>such to my ex on several occaisions, and to the therapist.  I
>have asked for a different therapist and/or a second opinion,
>and my ex has refused and states that she won't stop taking
>How can I make this stop?  How is it legal for a someone to
>treat my child against my wishes?  I don't understand how this
>is possible, yet it is happening.  I don't understand how a
>therapist can get away with this.  
>I would appreciate any advice.  Thank you.

It is absolutely legal. With joint legal, either parent can take the child for medical (and psychiatric) treatment. In practice, the one with physical custody usually gets their way.

You are free to take the child to another therapist for a second opinion.

What is your basis for not wanting this therapist to treat the child? If you have specific, factual reasons to believe that it's harmful, then you can petition the court to block it. But simply stating that you don't like it won't work. Further, if you have evidence that illegal activities are occurring (abuse, implanting false memories, etc), then you can file an abuse charge against the therapist with CPS. However, that is not a very common situation.