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Court today, posting what happened

Started by missmindy, May 06, 2004, 07:26:47 PM

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Well, court was today......it's been a big mess but here's the short version.
    The clerk's office had come up with their affadavit determining how much arrears my husband owed. It was way off, so the judge had the ex write up one as well. That was a joke....there were so many mistakes on there it was pathetic. The clerks's office had to do another more accurate one, and it was closer this time but still off by several hundred dollars. What my husband figured and the clerk's office figured was like $1,000 difference.
    The ex was still claiming the arrears from the past that were closed out before, that the judge told her LAST month were gone. She still filed for those on her affadavit. Well, she did not get those today....she tried to throw a fit and whine about it and bring it up but the judge told her that the order related to that said $0, and there were no past arrears, they were dropped. She was NOT happy and was actually about to cry. (This woman is about 12 years old mentally).
    Basically, the judge split the difference in the 2 affadavits, so my husband is paying $500 more than what he figured and $500 less than what the clerk's office came up with. The ex also tried to say that several of the receipts that we have for support are forged, and my husband said that's bull and he's tired of hearing forgery, and the judge gave him credit for them anyway.
     The ex threw a fit for not getting her way, but, all is well I say. She will get $8 per week until the $2361 is paid. (Her affadavit claimed like $5,000+!!!!) She was pissed, boy.
     There's my update....I'm sure I forgot something that I will come back and add later.


Way to go!

I know how much of a pain that crap can be.

When DH had to go to court for the "automatic" arrears.  They wanted $6,000 for the state (since BM went on welfare) and $8,000 to the BM.

In the end, the state agreed to under $3,000 and BM got nothing.  Nada, zip.

DH and I (what are second wives for) paid off the back child support in under a year.  No way in HELL was I gonna let that mess up our credit!

She of course hasn't paid a cent of CS since he received custody.  She's already four months behind...