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child support, ... change, .. ??

Started by spinner, May 07, 2006, 10:03:30 PM

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Ok so I am posting here because no one read's the minnesota board.
I am from Minnesota.

After years of court battles, ... 1 year in the clear with no more court fights, my exW get her CS check every month and let me take care of my son to the point that I now have him more than 1/2 the time.

On paper she has custody and I have visiting time.

In practice, she has agreed that our son can go to my school district next year (he is 4). In practice I have my son more like 60% of the time.

To add to the painting so you know where I am standing, the law on CS calculation is changing january 2007 in effect january 2008. The new law states that the 2 parents income will be included in calculation, ....

Now here is the bottom line. I do not intend to pay CS anymore after 2008. I am trying to work with my ex to a common agreement that neither pays CS to the other and I can take care of our kid.
I'd like to get advises from everyone on how to achieve this "neither pay CS to each other". Keep in mind that my exW has no, but I mean no common sense. She is also not capable to project herself in the futur and understand that this can also be a good deal for her as she want to move away to NY without her kid.

Lastly, if this is not possible, if she does not come to sense and a common agreement then I plan to ask for a change in custody. nowing the above it should be easy however it always comes in court to a "he says she says" and sure I document but she does too and you can never make the truth in court so I am looking for ways to prepare now and through the year that I have virtual custody on time basis, ....


You are looking for an order which states that each parent will support the child directly while in their care, as the child spends considerable time in both parents' homes.

You will also want an "In the event one parent desires to move out of state, this order shall remain intact and the parent moving shall pay for all additional costs for thier residential time transportation" phrase in it.
A true soldier fights, not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves whats behind him...dear parents, please remember not to continue to fight because you hate your ex, but because you love your children.


Yes, I like the transportation wording.....but if you bring this up now, is there a chance she will not let him start school with you? I would maybe wait until she lets him start school with you as to not rock the boat (unless this is already in the system) Good luck!


I plan to wait untill after school starts but she is really dedicated to spend less and less time with her kid so she already agreed either way to let him go to my school district.

My goal is not to go after her for CS latter but at least stop paying for her appartment (with my kid's CS)