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E-mail threats - Are these women serious?

Started by parentalalienation, Jan 18, 2005, 09:49:47 PM

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I was thinking along the lines of the small signs, 12x18 inches that people put in their yards to support a canidate. That should not be offensive to anyone.

But billboards would draw much more attention.

No matter how it is done, getting the word out...

I know they have bumperstickers available too.

"Children learn what they live"


Never under estimate the the power of stupid people in large numbers. Thats pretty much sums up my thoughts on the matter.

People seem to have such screwed up ideas anymore it amazes me. As an example, recently a few local Wal-Mart employees here in Evansville, IN were facing FELONY charges stemming for an incident where the shot a stray cat which had become a nusiance behind the Wal-Mart. The day these men went to court to see if they were going to be charged with Felonys or not a gay and lesbian group and an abortion group were protesting outside the courthouse. What in the hell do abortionist and gays and lesbian have at all to do with this situation? No a damn thing they were jsut beign ignorant much like this lady you mention above. She was a victim of violence so what is she going to do, be violent against someone else....it is ignorant. It is stuff just like this that makes me think that we really screwed up by making the world such a "safe" place to live. Consider if you will that natural selection or survival of the fitest would have a long time ago bred out such idiots had we left it well enough alone, but with the societ y we have created we have in essence doomed ourselves by allowing these idiots not only to survive but to reproduce.

Bottom line Judy, no matter WHAT you do there are going to be people like this lady that can help but try to screw stuff up. If you let them intimidate you, nothing would everr get done. I say notify the FBI, and other law organizations and then practice your first ammendment rights and psot the billboards...you might consider using this "bad press" as a way for getting more media attention for our cause. If the news media knew that there were threats coming from feminist anti viloence organizations it could make for some good press for us. Kind like when a "pro-life" anti-abortionist decided to bomb an abortion clinic or doctors house. They say" I'm pro-life, but I'll kill you if you don't do as I say!"

Let us know what happens....

Chris Alexander


The first two billboards go up in Houston on Monday. I'll let you know if I hear anything else from these people.

Thanks for the advice.




Here is one that I received after replying to an e-mail that this woman sent me ..... Can you say psycho?

From:  Lola Telmos
Date:  Tue Nov 30, 2004  2:54 pm
Subject:  Re: P.A.S. supporters R unstable Emotional Terrorist

Just like I said UNSTABLE EMOTIONAL TERRORIST. Cease & desist you moron , take your medication .Your Junk Science back fired , who cares about the tittle. Junk Science has no degree level duh !  Place guards at my door , just like abusers to in prison someone . Cease & desist moron . Like a child we will attack .Don't e-mail me any more , I don't care what you Think .Your mental state shows me I need to protect my self from you ! Cease & desist . Lola Telmos