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The latest from Glenn Sacks.............

Started by Kitty C., Mar 17, 2005, 06:15:38 AM

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Kitty C.

Schwyzer v. Alkon: Should Men
Have Reproductive Rights?
March 16, 2005

The promo for this week's His Side--"Schwyzer v. Alkon: Should Men Have Reproductive Rights?"--is below.  

We invite you to call the show and join the discussion in progress at 1-800-439-4805 (lines open this Sunday from 5-6PM PST).

For those who are outside of our radio stations' coverage ranges, you can listen to the show live this Sunday (3/20/05) via our station's excellent Internet stream at Listen Live.

His Side with Glenn Sacks can be heard on WSNR AM 620 in New York City and North-Eastern New Jersey, and on WWZN AM 1510 in Boston on Sundays at 10 PM EST. The show can also be heard in Southern California on KTIE AM 590 at 5 PM PST.

The audio archive of Sunday evening's show--"Two Years into Iraq War, Little Has Been Done to Protect the Rights of Military Fathers"--can be heard by clicking here.

Stop Abuse For Everyone is one of America's leading domestic violence organization. SAFE encourages equal services for all victims of domestic violence, including heterosexual men and homosexual men and women. SAFE is a non-profit, charitable organization which encourages policies based research and accurate information, not ideology. To learn more, visit their website at //www.Safe4All.org.  

For those facing a divorce or separation or who have a personal injury or workers' comp case, the law firm of Pitman, Pitman, Mindas, Grossman & Lee handles a broad range of litigation. With offices in Springfield and West Orange, they have operated in Union County for over thirty years and serve clients throughout New Jersey. Pitman, Pitman, Mindas, Grossman & Lee can be reached at 973 467 5100, or click here.

The National Coalition of Free Men ("NCFM") is a nationwide non-profit organization which seeks to promote awareness of men's rights and how the male role limits men and boys economically, emotionally, psychologically, spiritually, physically, sexually, legally, and otherwise. NCFM works to "free men" (hence the name) from the arbitrary, but powerful, societal restrictions imposed on men. They also help males to identify their inherent strengths and goodness, to build on these and thereby help to create a better and more just society. Contact them at 646-295-7914 or write to them here.

If you own a business or professional practice and are interested in advertising on the show, please contact [email protected]. To support the advertisers who support His Side, go to His Side Advertisers.

To learn how to have CDs of all His Side shows for six months mailed to you, click here.  

As always, all information about the show can be found at HisSide.com. I welcome your comments and suggestions.

Best Wishes,
Glenn Sacks
Listen to His Side with Glenn Sacks


Schwyzer v. Alkon: Should Men
Have Reproductive Rights?

Nationally syndicated advice columnist Amy Alkon believes that men, like women, should have reproductive rights. Condemning women who get pregnant intentionally and "turn casual sex into cash flow sex," she notes:

"In no other arena is a swindler rewarded with a court-ordered monthly cash settlement paid to them by the person they bilked...Penelope Leach, in her book Children First, poses an essential question: 'Why is it socially reprehensible for a man to leave a baby fatherless, but courageous, even admirable, for a woman to have a baby whom she knows will be so?'...the law, as written, encourages unscrupulous women to lure sex-dumbed men into checkbook daddyhood."

The "Choice for Men" movement seeks to give unmarried fathers the right to relinquish their parental rights and responsibilities within a month of learning of a pregnancy, just as mothers do when they choose to give their children up for adoption.

Feminist Gender Studies professor Dr. Hugo Schwyzer, Ph.D calls Choice for Men "profoundly offensive," explaining that "every man who ejaculates inside a woman, whether or not contraception is used, is signaling his willingness to become a father...the only real choice that men deserve in this situation is whether or not to have sex in the first place."
Schwyzer and Alkon and will join Glenn on His Side with Glenn Sacks on Sunday, March 20 at 5 PM PST/8 PM EST.  For those who are outside of our radio stations' coverage ranges, you can listen to the show live via our station's excellent Internet stream at Listen Live.  

You can call the show and join the discussion in progress at 1-800-439-4805 (lines open this Sunday from 5-6 PM PST).

To learn more, see:

Glenn's co-authored column 'Sperm Theft' Ruling a Step Forward for Men's Reproductive Rights (Houston Chronicle, 3/6/05, Ft. Worth Star-Telegram, 3/9/05)

Amy Alkon's new column Fetal Attraction

Hugo Schwyzer's criticisms of Choice for Men--see Hugo on Choice for Men, Crying with rage at Amy Richards and Amy Richards and Choice for Men

Slate's Dahlia Lithwick slams Glenn's co-authored column Pennsylvania Abortion Case Raises Question of Choice for Men (Newsday, 8/7/02)--see Lithwick's Dad's Sad, Mad: Too Bad: Why dads don't count when it comes to abortion (Slate, 8/7/02)

Interview with Kim Gandy, President of the National Organization for Women (NOW), on the 30 year anniversary of Roe v. Wade.

Glenn's column 30 Years After Roe v. Wade, How About Choice for Men? (Mail & Guardian, 1/27/03)  

Feminist abortion rights advocate Amy Richards' account of her selective abortion--When One is Enough (New York Times, 7/18/04)

NARAL Pro-Choice America

National Right to Life  

The National Coalition of Free Men, Los Angeles' Choice for Men page

Barry Deutsch (aka Ampersand) against Choice for Men here, here, here and here.

The National Center for Men's Voluntary Fatherhood Project

Hugo Schwyzer on His Side: Is the Men's Movement Misogynistic? (1/23/05)

Amy Alkon on His Side: The Advice Goddess: 'I'm Not Anti-Male' (5/2/04)

His Side: Masculists, Feminists Rumble Over Choice for Men (10/19/03)

His Side with Glenn Sacks can be heard on WSNR AM 620 in New York City and North-Eastern New Jersey, and on WWZN AM 1510 in Boston on Sundays at 10 PM EST. The show can also be heard in Southern California on KTIE AM 590 at 5 PM PST. To listen live via the Internet from anywhere in the world, go to Listen Live. Both radio and Internet listeners are encouraged to call and participate in the show live and on the air at 1-800-439-4805 (lines open Sundays from 5-6PM PST).

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GlennSacks.com / HisSide.com

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Normally I don't cut and paste, but I think this has got to be the MOST profound (AND TRUE!) quote I've seen in a LONG time:

'Nationally syndicated advice columnist Amy Alkon believes that men, like women, should have reproductive rights. Condemning women who get pregnant intentionally and "turn casual sex into cash flow sex," she notes:

"In no other arena is a swindler rewarded with a court-ordered monthly cash settlement paid to them by the person they bilked...Penelope Leach, in her book Children First, poses an essential question: 'Why is it socially reprehensible for a man to leave a baby fatherless, but courageous, even admirable, for a woman to have a baby whom she knows will be so?'...the law, as written, encourages unscrupulous women to lure sex-dumbed men into checkbook daddyhood." '

NO SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!  And I don't consider that part about 'sex-dumbed men' to be detrimental.........it's just what happens when those PBFH's 'turn on the charm' to sucker men into their slimey webs.  'Lure' doesn't even begin to describe it..........
Handle every stressful situation like a dog........if you can't play with it or eat it, pee on it and walk away.......



I have three sons and three daughters!!!  I have suggested to my oldest one (26) that should he decide to marry his current gf that they should enter into a premarital agreement that includes a custody / parenting agreement for their unborn children.  they currently have no such plans and i like her very much.  I just refuse to go through what i have gone through with my dh ever again with any of my children and I will protect them to the fullest extent of my abilities.

I would love to see all parties that consider having children sit down with a counselor and discuss these issues prior to jumping off the bridge into parenthood.

I also have offered to pay for vasectomies and sperm freezing for all three of my sons.  This of course will not protect them from aids but it will protect them and give them some control over their own destinies.


ewe... more surgeries(?)...  how about just teaching them about responsibility? Might be a guy's job, do your kiddo's get joint physical custody?

>I have three sons and three daughters!!!  I have suggested to
>my oldest one (26) that should he decide to marry his current
>gf that they should enter into a premarital agreement that
>includes a custody / parenting agreement for their unborn
>children.  they currently have no such plans and i like her
>very much.  I just refuse to go through what i have gone
>through with my dh ever again with any of my children and I
>will protect them to the fullest extent of my abilities.
>I would love to see all parties that consider having children
>sit down with a counselor and discuss these issues prior to
>jumping off the bridge into parenthood.
>I also have offered to pay for vasectomies and sperm freezing
>for all three of my sons.  This of course will not protect
>them from aids but it will protect them and give them some
>control over their own destinies.



not sure what you mean by do my kids get joint physical custody.

if you mean does their father have joint

then i have two answers .. my oldests father has never tried to have any contact whatsoever and has never paid support.  Never had a father figure in his life.  He has used condoms for birth control since 17 when he became sexually active.  He is almost 26 and the lessons in responsibility have worked thus far.  (fortunately he has never had a girlfriend that has decided that she was going to become pregnant regardless.)  He has been lucky enough to have this type of birth control work thus far.  (Managed to get my oldest to be responsible with out the  uhhhhhhhhhh   aspect of a father involved......  I am not afraid of discussing sex with my children.  I am however very afraid of how desperate some females are to form permanent attachments with their boyfriends.

Lets face it though if a woman decides she wants to get pregnant there really is not a whole lot a man can do about the issue.

 ( If I waited for dad to give them a sex education talk I would already have grand children.  LOL   Dad has never even so much as tossed them a football let alone attempted to discuss responsibility with them.   I began discussing these things with them pre puberty and I am not afraid to address these issues.  

My fears stem from the facts that many women get pregnant deliberately and some do so with even the remnants of what is left in a used condom.  Deliberately poking holes in them,  Not using a spermicide and substituting something that looks like it.  ect ect ect..

my two teenage sons have a father that has visitation and rarely excercises his visits.  even though he has no regular dates and is allowed to see them when ever he wants.  

The purpose of drawing up papers for the kids in the event of children in the hopefully not so near future would hopefully help enforce their rights in the event of a break up.  So they would indeed stipulate to shared custodial rights for both parties and address the standard issues that would prevent a parent from having custody.  (child abuse ect,.)

surgery would be far less painful then the results of what i have seen too many parents go through in the event of an accidental pregnancy or even planned ones.

unfortunately the forms of birth control that are options for young men are not very reliable.  Even if you keep boxes of condoms at home for them to have access to.

Until men have more control over their reproductive rights what other options are there for my sons?

Education only goes so far......


This is my life.

My DH never showed up for the paternity suit.  So the mother won by default.  16 years later, we have had no contact with the mother or the child, but have been current on all child support payments.   Because of the default judgement no paternity test was ever done.

Biomom never even knew my DH's last name and her lawyer had to call his work to find out.  Biomom can't tell her child what religion, nationality, education, family or any information on my DH to tell her child.  Biomom has never contacted DH, no picture of the child, no update, no nothing.  

We have to pay cs for 3 more years and then we are emancipated.  The biomom had the chance to have the child adopted 14 years ago by her husband, but refused because she wanted 18 years of child support money.  PBFH doesn't even begin to describe this woman.  

In the end, we will have paid $100,000 for a child that we will never know is DH's.  DH never wants to meet this child after emanicipation, nor does he want to rehash the past abuses of this woman.  Biomom created this situation out of unbelievable selfishness and greed and our only way to survive was to have zero contact and pay up.

Just because the law supports women that purposely trap men into fatherhood against their knowledge or consent, basically lying that that are on birth control when they have full knowledge of their intent to get pregnant, is that women's legal rights are not moral rights.  Not only did biomom victimize my DH, she also victimized her child.  A one night stand does not a husband or father make.  Consent to sex is not consent to fatherhood.  If feminists want us to believe the opposite, then men must believe that all women are liars and are not on birth control.  

What child wants to grow up with the realization that they were not born out of love, but were born out of lies and deceit?

We do not hate them, we love them because Christ loves us.  We forgive them, because Christ forgives us.