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I made it

Started by c_alexander, Jul 20, 2005, 05:47:48 AM

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Wanted to let everyone know I made it to Denver, CO late last night at 10pm local time after an agonizing 18 hour car trip....by the waynever drive across Kansas it SUCKS..lol

I am getting settled in my new home. I jsut wanted to let everyone know I made it here ok and my daughter Jessie is VERY happy I am here..as am I. Heck even my ex wife is glad I am here. I believe that with this move I will havea new opportunity to be even more involved in my daughtes life. My ex wife has been VERY cooperative so far...I think she is impressed tha I am here an can finall see jsut how serious I am about being involved.

Anyways thanks all so much for all of your help ad support. I would not be here witout yu all. I will get myself set up here and keep ou all informed on how things go.


Way to go, Dad!


Short term sacrifices are worth long term goals.  Many blessings to you, your daughter and your Ex.  I hope that it works out for everyone.



Kitty C.

I can emphasize with the trip, tho I beg to differ on Kansas.  Nebraska is over SEVEN HUNDRED MILES on I-80 and I've done it numerous times in the last 20 years.  NOT something I do willingly, LOL!

Enjoy all that time with your daughter!
Handle every stressful situation like a dog........if you can't play with it or eat it, pee on it and walk away.......


Good to hear you made it! Think of the fun you will have bringing your daughter back home to Indiana for visits. You will love it!

Keep us posted! How do you like it so far?

You must feel like a million.....or two

 "Children learn what they live"


Well not even here and week and the ex has started on me. Originally she agreed to pay for the gas from Indiana to Colorado because I was brining Jessie back and saving ehr the cost of a plane ticket. ($115 of gas vs $250 plane ticket). I did my part and saved all the reciepts and gave them to her and she refused to pay them stating that she would only pay for half because I was coming to Co anyways. Well this is the second time I have gotten stuck like that. The last time involved my ex not paying the unaccompanied minor fee for Jessie's plane ticket and sticking me with it.

After all that she then ahd the nerve to ask me to split the costs of Jessie's school supplies. I told her to take it out of the money she owed me. I can not fathom WHY people have to be so ignorant, selfish and greedy.

Ona lighter note I am settlign in well. I have been desperately seeking a job as my savings are dwindling. I have been able to get my daugher twice sinc eI have been here. On monday we took a trip to the summit of Pike's Peak. A daytrip that was pretty symbolic to me of the obstacles I have had to overcome and the mountains I have had to climb to be a good father to Jessie.

I have to say that I really believe I will love it here. Already I am enjoying the scenery, the ability to see and get Jessie anytime I want, and the people are so nice. Now if I can just get a job, meet some friends and the woman of my dreams I'll be cooking..haha


Congratulations!  I am so happy for you.  Good Luck finding work and continuing the struggle with the ex.