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A Fathers journey

Started by slickvirk, Feb 03, 2008, 02:10:40 PM

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It was a dark hole with no foot holes anywhere. It took almost 2 years to build a flashlight and crawl my way out. I am not out but i can see the sunlight. I wanted all fathers to know this and assure them perseverance pays at the end and there is justice however long it might take. The reward is to see my daughter safe and happy.

My advice:

don't lose your temper and stay focused. you will get your chance but you have to keep inching up. Dont expect to get it all in one go. Your rights are established one sliver at a time.

Stay focused on on whats best for your child. Save money it will cost you and remember you are in a fight for her life. This is more important than anything else you have ever done or will ever do.

Write yourself notes reminding yourself how important you are to her. Try to ignore all the negative the mother does.

I am a single father and have got my 4 year old daughter 3 days a week and first rights of refusal. I am in mediation now to change primary custody. I got this without saying anything negative about the mother by just staying cool, and letting mother make an ass of herself and proving her lies.

At 4 my daughter has realized not to believe her mother and the courts have confirmed she lied.


Major congrats . . . you're doing the exact right thing and I'm glad things are working out so well for you!!

I think your last sentence says it all. The kids know. Wait til she's fourteen or sixteen. All of your patience is not in vain. . . they're smarter than we give them credit for sometimes.