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Any rights left?

Started by Missyougirl, Aug 08, 2004, 07:42:23 AM

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I posted on here a while ago, and got a lot of help and am hoping for the same now. My soon to be ex lost his rights to a child in March and claimed that he didn't know he had to goto court. He isn't interested in fighting it and has apparently accepted the loss. His family, namely his mother, hasn't. She has called the mother asking for visits, and the mother told her no, but she calls a few times a week to try and get her to change her mind. The idea was to let my ex see the child and try not to let the mom know. (His other ex told child's mother of these plans, and I'm pretty sure that's why she said no)

Now they mother and a few family members are calling everyone they can to get to this child, the sister proudly told me that she called the adoptive dad at work and informed him that his wife is insane and they will take this child anytime they want. They want to have this adoption reversed, but I didn't think they could without the child's father getting involved, which he doesn't want to do, and the fact that the adoption occured more than 5 months ago.

I feel badly for this child and thinks she's been through enough, and I have also told the family that they are basically stalking these people and should stop, I was just hoping maybe someone could say whether they have legal ground and if they don't, where I could find the information to show them so they will leave this family alone, ecspecially since my ex doesn't want to pursue it. I understand that they are hurt and would like to see the girl, but no one tried to see her for years before the adoption, why start now?



As far as I know, the only people who truly have rights to a child are the bio parents, until or unless they give them up. A few states may have grandparent rights, but the supreme court has said (in one landmark case) that the bio parents can choose to have grandparents involved in the child's life or not. Sometimes, if a relative can prove a strong bond with a child, they can file for visitation/custody, but that is not the case here.

I would encourage this family to obtain a restraining order, and/or file harrassment charges.

I remember your posts and I'm sorry about the whole situation.
Good luck to you.


I know the last time I posted, a lot of people told me to worry about myself and not get involved, and for the most part, I've taken everyones advice, I just don't think I can live with myself if I don't at least do something for her. I can and am, walk away with no ties, and I thank God for that! The more I learned and am finding out, the better I think this little girl is off. Looking back on it, anytime we called to see her, we got to, and half the time, when she called wanting to visit, her calls and messages went unanwered. I feel bad for them.

Thanks for your reply, I just wish I knew where I could find something that shows it's up to the parents, so they'd maybe leave them alone.


Grandparents rights flow through their children. If the father's rights were terminated, so to were the rights of the paternal grandparents.

There is almost no chance a court will reverse an adoption under teh fact that you relate.  The current parents can, and probably should, seek a restraining order.  


I contacted the parents of the child, and they are filing for a protective order. I also got to apologize for anything I may have said in the past. I feel a lot better about myself and they were extremely happy that I came foward to give them information I have. I truly believe they were only looking for a way to give their little girl a happy life, and she seems a lot happier now, too. Thanks for all the advice and giving me a place to get some answers! You are all amazing!