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Child custody

Started by sdtaylor, Oct 23, 2005, 10:29:12 PM

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I am interested in any attourney who is up for the task to change the child custody rules and laws, to make these mothers accountable for the child support they receive  and abuse, as well as making it easier for us fathers who  actually are abiding by the rules the right to file for custody,to allow our cases to be heard to open a custody case without our  ex spouses or girlfriends  having  the  authority to  file  and open support  and custody cases,  A father does not have the right to open a custody or support case or a welfare case for his own children and these deadbeat mothers are not accountable  for any thing child support is a monetary amount  that is not counted as income in PA NJ and DE the father does not get the  right to  take off the amount his is paying off his taxes but the mother does not have to  add it to her income. the father is held accountable to  pay but the mother is not held accountable on what it is spent on most of the time  it isnt spent on the children  if a mother  denies visitation she should be held accountable and hald off to jail for violating  the court order, just as a man is  for not paying, Joint custody should be automatically given unless the father is proven  not to be  fit, it took the both of them to make the child why shouldnt we as fathers have joint custody until proven  unworthy of it??  This is what needs to be enforced so that the fathers that are doing what they are suppose to  can be separated from those who are actually deadbeat dads. you would have less domestic violence and child support then cant be used as a spiteful tool or vindictive tool and the Mothers who are  abusing the system will be held accountable for that  money  to be spent on the child or childrens needs. not on the mothers materialistic needs. It should be given to the mothers in the form of an access card  and only be used for clothing for the kids, food, shoes , school tuition, but I as a father should be able to  go online and see the account and where My money is going, you would have less children out here being used as pawns just to get money from the fathers that are doing right by there children. I have polled over 8000 fathers and checked the internet polls and found that  most  would rather that type of system be  implemented rather then  deemed guilty and have to proven innocent or Fit as a parent.


Accountability, that's a must as far as I'm concerned.  I posted something similar to this but put it on the custody page.  I would love to join a group, sign a petition or do whatever necessary to make the absent parent have to show accountability for child support.  I've been a single mom and am now again.  I can account for every dime and wouldn't care in the least if I were audited.  I think parents who would worry about the money spent are the ones misusing it.

My son's ex g/f got about 6,000.00 last year from having my grandkids on her income tax and my son's tax return went to her too.  He didn't go to court until his son was 3 yrs. old.  He would give her 100.00 to 200.00 per week but when she was asked in court if my son took care of his child she said no, and the court went with that putting him 7,000.00 in arrears.  Therefore she gets his tax returns too.  Out of that 6,000.00 she has absolutely nothing to show for it.  The kids have no new clothes, just now got decent car seats but that's it.  Out of 365.00 per mo. in support plus 1,000.00 extra in taxes, my grandkids have nothing.  I want to see accountability too and the rest of what you stated.  This misuse of another person's money intended for the children has got to stop!


Here in Ohio there is a debit card. The state holds the account, so you don't even need a checking account. The support money goes in, and you can either get cash from a bank (a fee if from an ATM) or use it for purchases.

But, it does not itemize what you bought, just where you bought it. And if you get cash out, there is no record of where you spent it. And as far as I know, it's optional, you can get one or just have the check sent to you.

It does have the advantage of enabling you to see when there was a deposit, and how much the balance is.