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Joint Custody

Started by Dwayne2, Sep 20, 2009, 10:32:42 AM

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I am a father going through a divorce.  I have two young daughters that live with their mother.  We have joint custody, but it seems like their mother makes all of the decisions without notifying me.  Under a court order that came out, I get to see my daughters every other weekend, Friday night until Sunday night.  Now that this court order came out, my soon to be ex-wife will not let me see my daughters like I was during the week.  I would like to be able to see then at least twice during the week, on top of every other weekend.  I don't know what to do to make this possible.  I have talked to my lawyer about this issue, but nothing seems to be getting done.  What do I do to be able to see my daughters more?  Do you think that I am able to have it legally documented that I can get them during the week?


If it is not court ordered you cant really do anything. Your lawyer should not allowed you to sign or agree to less time then what you were getting. You can go back to court and modify the orders and ask for the time back during the week as you previously did as mother is now not allowing those visits to occur. (but mother is not breaking any orders now, if you wanted midweek visits then that is what you should have written down to sign or asked for in court last time). Your lawyer cant make her do anything without bringing her back to court or having her sign new papers to be filed with the courts.


If the orders only give you EOW then that is all Mom has to allow you to see the children.  With it being such a new order, it is not likely the orders will be modified already.  You have to show a change in circumstance to have orders modified.