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child abandonment laws for Tucson, Arizona

Started by Brandy_26, May 05, 2006, 11:29:38 AM

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I am divorced with full custody and the father has only supervised visitation rights.  He is suppose to pay child support but doesn't.  Nor has he seen or contacted the children in over a year.  How do I find out what the abandonment laws are so that my fiancee can legally adopt my kids?  Any help would be greatly appreciated.


they're gonna be different in every state, so that's hard for us to answer.

I suggest you search for abandonment on Socrateaser's page because he has addressed this subject a time or two.


and married for some time before he can adopt.

You'll need to check into your state laws. I know here in Ohio no contact or support for over a year is grounds for TPR.