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I Need Help Saving My Son!!!! Please Help!!!!

Started by jaimes_dad, Oct 31, 2006, 01:02:43 PM

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To Whom It May Concern,
 I hope I have finally gotten someones attention. I have been trying for almost 2 years with no luck. I know that this may not be a news worthy story to others, but to me it is my life. All that I ask is you please read on before making an assumptions
Here is a small sample of my story......
To Whom I May Concern,
 My name is John Biddle and I live in Titusville, Pennsylvania -- Crawford County. I am writing in the hopes that someone, anyone can help me save my son from a horrible life with his mother. I do not know if anyone will remember my case from 2004. I wrote a very long version of it on the SPARC message board. Here is the condensed version. In December of 2003 my wife of then 2 yrs said she was going to Ohio to spend Christmas with her family and friends. She left our then 1 yr old son with me here in Pennsylvania. I was to find out through the course of Christmas & New Years that in actuality my wife was meeting and spending the holidays with her online lover. I was sent pictures and emails, etc to verify all of this by her online lover, in fact the sob even tried to chat with me online (which I saved a copy of) I contacted an attorney and found out what my rights were. I took my 1 yr old son and we moved out..My wife didn't even bother to return to Pennsylvania until January 5, 2004 at which time she called the local police department and claimed that I threatened to kill her and her best friend. She then called me knowing that I loved her daughters as if they were my own and cried about them not having any food, etc, so I like a dumb ass went to the apartment and when I arrived the local police removed my son from me. escorted me from the apartment and informed me not to return in 48 hours or I would be arrested and charged with terrorist threats...My wife then promptly left Pennsylvania for Ohio. I went a filed for custody the next day in Feb 2004, we went to mediation where I was absoutely humiliated by nothing but unproven bold faced lies..example my wife and her lawyer claimed that I had unprotected sex with her so that I could get her pregnant and drag her from her beautiful home in Ohio (she lived in a dumpy 2 bedroom apt) to the slums of Titusville. The mediator bought all the bullshit and I recieved every other weekend and three weeks in the summer... (I was not to see this order until Sept 2006) the every other weekend was the weekend in which my wife drove to Pennsylvania to she her boyfriend, the boyfriend she claimed in mediation that didn't exist... In April 2004 my wife returned to Pennsylvania after her best friend kicked her out and her boy friend dumped her... I contacted several lawyers for legal advice and the consensus was if I could get my son back into my life and document to prove that I was in fact the primary caregiver I would have a great chance of getting custody of my son. I called the lawyer who represented me and informed him that my wife had returned, he said he would take care of it. I assumed (I know stupid of me) that ment the lawyer would vacate the temporary order. I did not know until September 2006 that the order became permanant after 20 days if not contested. I did not until September 2006, even see the custody order to even know what I received. I spent the last 2 yrs being lied to, lied about, cheated on, and just plain treated like shit. At first I was naive enough to think we could work things out, but I quickly realized nothing was going to change. My wife and her 3 daughters moved in my mothers home and my son and I stayed in the apartment. My wife bounced between the two places depending on her mood. In August of 2004 her first husband (using the lies my wife told about during mediation and her short stay in Ohio) began custody modification procedures in Ohio...she eventually reliquished custody of her two youngest daughters to her first ex-husband. Because of the severity of the charges CYS in Pennsylvania became involved in my life, as well as a guardium ad-lidem from Ohio. CYS came in and did an investigation into my wife and I as parents, but mostly me, because of the allegations, as a result Family Services of Northwest Pennsylvania came into our home 2 days a week for a year. Because of this they over my objections moved my wife and her then 15 year old daughter in my apartment. I objected loudly but no-one wanted to hear me. M.A. Chadman spent 2 days a week for a year in our home and when she was finished she told my wife that if it came down to a custody dispute she would testify on my behalf because it was clear that I was the primary caregiver and she was a manipulator and someone who plays the system. I told this to the local police and the CYS caseworker and no-one has bothered to contact her. Fast forward to September 2006, my wife left September 25, 2006 to spend 2 weeks in New Jersey with her new boy friend. After all my son and I had been through I took the opportunity to leave the relationship (as I stated I did not know there was a custody order in place) I went to a shelter in Venango County. For several reasons one of which was I thought that others beside myself would see how well I took care of my son and because it was the only shelter that would accept a man and his son...When my wife left on September 25, 2006 she left my now 3 year old son and her 17 year old daughter. She left us with no money except my small paycheck from my part time job..and with several shut off notices on the utilities (my wife was in charge and if I stood up to her it was call the cops time and claim I threatened to hit her or something...she bullied me----and I leanred to shut up and document, it was better than trying to get custody when there were 20 reports that you had been removed from your home -- right?) Even after she found out I left and claimed how heart broken she was, etc ..she still did not return until October 6, 2006.. She left me many many emails threatening me, etc and her new boyfriend left me many emails all of which I kept (I in fact have over 500 pages of documentation) Upon her return she contacted the authorities, apparently not getting the results she wanted on October 8, 2006 her & her boyfriend (I know they say you don't know, but the allegations could have only come from inside our home) called Crawford County Children & Youth Services and amoung other claims, claimed that I was sexually molesting my 3 year old son....Venango County sent out a case worker who intervied myself and my son for several hours. She saw absolutely no reason to remove my son from me... The Crawford County CYS caseworker called me and was rude, and obnoxious and told me that at this point it was my word against my wife's. On October 10, 2006 there was another report only this time to Harrisburg, so now it became a numbered report, so again Venango County sent out a caseworker who again interviewed my son and I and again saw no reason to remove my son from me. This was not good enough for the Crawford County worker who treated me as though I was guilty. On October 13, 2006 he had the County Sherrif, local police and the second Venango County CYS worker remove my son from me at the shelter.. My son was screaming "Daddy, I don't want to go" The shelter workers, the police and the CYS worker said they didnt agree with the court order but had no choice.. Even though there were allegations of sexual abuse, my son was taken directly from me to his mother..there was no doctors, examinations or anything. I was forced to return to Crawford County in order to deal with these false allegations... I have been in arguments with everyone at CYS including the Western Regional Director. On Wednesday September 25, 2006 I had to go to an interview with the CYS intake worker and local police...since I make very little money I could not get anyone to represent me and had to go on my own. I took with me over 75 pages of documentation and spent nearly 3 hours being questioned about everything included how they thought it was unusual because a 40+ year old man could be a primary care giver for a 3 year old child.. I presented emails, ect about my wife and her activities as well as documents from the local counseling center where she occasionally goes to for her manic/depression and OCD.. (I sent these documents to the Crawford County CYS worker while still in the shelter and his response was "those are nice papers but instead of putting down your wife prove your a better parent") These papers are good enough that Berger & Greene in Pittsburgh are willing to represent her for a disability hearing... After 3 + Hours of interrigation the local police and CYS worker left me with the impression that the allegations were unfounded, BUT they still needed to investigate them...For whatever it is worth the CYS worker apologized and stated "I am sorry that it took me so long to understan the dynamics of the household, thank you for being so patient." He then asked me questions about my life, criminal record and what I would do if I got my son back in a day, a week, or a  month..He then came to my mother's home and spoek with her and asked if she would consider taking temporary custody of my son and the 17 year old daughter (who was left behind while the mother was gone as well) Yet nothing has changed and now I find out that the boy friend is in the home with my son, and has been since last thursday October 26, 2006..they have been to my mother's work and harassed her and to make everything even worse the sob's have my son calling me on the phone and saying "I'm here daddy, right here" and then hanging up on me... Is there anyone out there who can help me??? I am doing absolutely the best I can to care for my son.. I am the only security & stability he has ever known and now I am scared to death for his safety and no-one seems to give a damn..I will have to go into custody mediation on my own and I know she will have a lawyer (her family hates me that much..hell her mother bought her the tickets to go see the new boyfriend) I need help, but mostly my 3 year old needs help after all thats who this is all about....Please help me
Respectfully Yours
  John C. Biddle Jr.

P.S. Kevin Burke from NWLS represented me in 2004 ;-( I got humiliated in mediation
I have been on the phone and online to every lawyer & law firm that would even bother to take my emails or calls I am getting down to nothing PLEASE Help I sure hope that it hasn't come down to money to be considered a good parent ;-(
small update: the Venango County CASA called and stated that they would work in conjunction with Crawford County to start their own investigation on behalf on my son -- a small victory