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Mother Lies and had child lie to deny visits

Started by daddywanna, Oct 09, 2008, 03:51:34 PM

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I Recently went to court in June because my daughters mother was not letting me have my court appointed visits. The court saw that there was no reason I should be denied visits. The court stated since its been a while from my last visit I should start with 1 day a week visits on saturday with a make up day of wed should she not make it on Saturdays. I had two visits one on Saturday which went well we did the movies and got something to eat. The second visit she stood me up and I went to the preceint and made a report. She showed up that next Wed with my daughter and we had our visit. The visits were fun and drama free yet when I attempted the 3rd visit she had a friend serve me papers discontinuing my visits and stating my daughter is in fear and I am abusing her. I went to court this week thinking this is bogus and should be cleared up fast. Yeah right!!! She lied and coached my daughter to lie to a law guardian who never questioned to validity of anything my daughter said. Now I have to do a supervised visit thing like im on parole or something and my name is mud. I need some advice on how to get some quality time with my daughter minus the drama with her mother who is obviously gunning for me cause things didnt work out. Help Please!!!


Did you sit with the law guardian? If not, make an appointment and just talk to them about what has been happening. Ask if the law guardian will meet with you and your child alone without BM to see if the child stays with the same story. Ask the law guardain (or you can) for court ordered counseling.
Court is a very long process...How old is the child? Did you have the same judge for the second appearance?


My daughter will be 9 y/o at the end of this month. I have a Oct. 24 meeting with the law guardian. I just feel like they made up their minds on who I was based on lies on paper. The 1st appearance was a different judge who was a wise to what my daughters mom was trying to pull. The current judge is not so intuitive.


That is good that you have that appointment. Now it is the job of the LG to see  what is going on. Some are very good and some are not. Tell her the FACTS...try not to put down the BM unless you can back it up.

You can start with the visitation you use to have (bring pictures of you guys happy...) then explain what happened (show police reports)...explain what you want to see (tell her that you would like counseling started).

LG's can help set up visits. See if she is willing to do that or at least have your daughter come in with you in front of her without BM.

Good luck!