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rights as non custodial parent(father)

Started by barnest58, Sep 25, 2008, 08:25:28 PM

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If the mother has sole parental responsibility and father has supervised visitation stated in court documents as once per week, can father also attend extra curricular activities such as the child's tennis match, school events etc.?  The mother is bitter and appears to be alienating the children from the father by excluding him from all other knowledge of the children's progress in school, sporting events and has children treat father like a stranger when seen in a public setting as if he were a dangerous stranger. Children are 5 and 3 yo. What can father do to foster a loving relationship with his children when the other parent is opposing?  email:[email protected]


Are the extra curricular events open to the public?

How long has dad been on supervision? Is there a plan to get him regular parenting time? Why is he on supervision?


the extracurricular event was his son's tennis lesson in a public place-he paid for the lesson. the mother wants complete control and alienation of the children. the father left town for 3 months during the final part of the bitter divorce-she is holding that against him and pushed for supervised visits due to fear he would leave town again,but this time,with the children.  he has no intention to take the children-just wants normal visitation. He has no court orders of protection nor any restraining order on any of them. he is non-confrontational and she is controlling and very aggressive. there is nothing specifying that he can not attend public event, school activities etc. in the court order. she just wants to exclude him from everything. she now refuses to complete the tennis lessons that are paid for due to fear he will want to watch again. thanks for your response. help with suggestions. he is a great dad and the kids are missing out on his presence. he wants to change the court order but has limited funds to pay a good attorney.


This is very tricky because he's on supervised visits.  By showing up at these events he's technically trying to "visit"" with the child unsupervised.

How long are the supervised visits for?


and also a tennis LESSON isn't really a public event the way a tennis MATCH would be....

again is there any plan (through the court) for him to get off supervised visitation?

how long has he be on supervision?


These have been in effect since dec. 2007. he is in process of petitioning for modification in visitation and change to "joint parental responsibility".  There is no restraining order, nor does he have any criminal record whatsoever.  If he goes to the tennis match, there are at least 20 other people there, parents , coach, etc. What is the line between "visiting with your kids" and seeing them in a public place, where the mom tries to alienate and pull them away as if he were a "BAD" person.  This can't possibly be in best interest of kids in terms of fostering a positive relation ship with both parents(as stated verbatim) in the parental responsibility section of the agreement.

email: [email protected]


yes there is a plan to get off supervised visits. He's fed up being treated like a dead beat and criminal. he does not have any criminal record nor a restraining order. the mediation document clearly states that both parents will cooperate in a manner that will foster a positive relationship with the other parent and the minor children(verbatim from the document)  Isn't she violating this part of the agreement by excluding him from everything, and treating him like a disease in public. what message does that sent to a 5yo boy that your dad is not allowed to watch your tennis game and cheer you on in a public place. A stranger,me for example, was video taping his son-no one kicked me out, why can't he watch from a distance, say hello and not have one on one visit?