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Another communication Issue

Started by KKJ995, Feb 07, 2007, 04:59:46 PM

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My step son called me 2-3 weeks ago and said that his former GF sent him a text message asking if he or his dad could take the girls for a week as her dad was having surgery.  I told my step son that yes, I would watch the girls.  Well Monday the phone rang and I couldn't get to it, it was his former gf.  Surprisingly she left a message saying that she just wanted to verify that we would watch the girls and wanted to know about transportation (dropping them off and picking up).  I never called her back because the way I see it, my step son called us to ask if we would watch his girls and he should be the one communicating with her.  She didn't call us and ask us to watch the girls, she asked him to ask us.  It is my understanding that he told her we would watch the girls that week.  Well she tried calling back later in the afternoon and DH was here and saw it was her calling and didn't answer it.  DH called his son and told him to get in touch with her and make arrangements.  
I just want to know if 'my way of thinking' was the right thing to do.

Kitty C.

It's called 'responsibility' and now that your step son is a father, he has to accept that communication is a part of it.  If the initial request was made BY her TO him, then all communication regarding the request must start and end with them.  And since you have informed him you would watch the girls, he needs to communicate all details with you as well.

Call me an old 'fuddy duddy', but that is the way I was raised...and it sounds like you were, too.
Handle every stressful situation like a dog........if you can't play with it or eat it, pee on it and walk away.......


Thank You!!!  Yes, that is how I was raised.  The thing that is bothering me now is that if she (BM)doesn't get what she wants in her time frame she pulls out!  And she won't tell you what her time frame is until it's too late.  We don't get to see the girls all that often so(about once a month if we are lucky) I am really looking forward to week with them.  We really haven't had a chance to bond with the youngest one who is almost 5 months old, but the 18 month old, DH says 'she's granny's girl".  She wants to be around me all the time, if I sit down, she has to be right there and if I'm in the kitchen she wants to be right there with me!  She doesn't care for grandpa that much, don't know if it is his deep voice or what!
Again, Thank you!