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General Inquiry

Started by HzlEyez, Aug 17, 2007, 07:49:01 PM

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Hi Everyone,

I am posting this message because, I would like to inquire the following:
Can a Lawyer know if his/her client is lying to him/her?  The only reason I ask is because, my boyfriend's BM has been assigned a court appointed lawyer and I just wonder if the lawyer will be able to know if the client she is representing is stating the truth?
The last court date my boyfriend and his BM went to court the BM stated that the child and the BM were both seeing a therapist and that the therapist indicating that the child is to speak to know one but, the therapist.  Is it legal for a therapist to advise a custodial parent that the child who is seeing the therapist is not to speak to anyone but, the therapist?

Any answers to these questions would be appreciated.

Thank you,


no, the attorney isn't going to know if BM is telling the truth.

as for part two, I think the BM is turning the therapists's words around.


How do you think a lawyer is going to know if someone is lying to him? They may have more experience in dealing with people lying than some others, but that doesn't give them any magical powers.

More importantly, it doesn't matter. An attorney is required to represent his client to the best of his abilities regardless of whether he believes the client is being honest or not.


Thanx for your reply in regards to the lawyer and to the therapist part.

Thank you


I wasn't sure if a lawyer could actually know if a client is lying.  I figured maybe they take a psychology or some type of course which allow's the lawyer to know when the client is lying.

Thank you for your information I appreciate it.
Have a nice day!


If there were such a course, wouldn't judges take it - and eliminate the need for witnesses and juries?