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Is this legal?

Started by Detter D, Mar 11, 2004, 07:56:07 AM

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Detter D

I am revisiting another stumbling block with our divorce agreement...

I have joint  legal custody and am wondering if this is "the way it is"?

My son is going to a therapist to get through this divorce situation.
He goes to these sessions with my ex and they refuse letting me know
anything that goes on in those meetings.  My ex told me they were
confidential....like I don't exist....
This is suppossed to be a session for my son...but she goes in with him...he is 13.  

1. Does the therapist have any obligation to me about progress or
info about the sessions?  He is still my son and have joint legal.


>1. Does the therapist have any obligation to me about progress
>info about the sessions?  He is still my son and have joint

Contact the therapist via phone and follow up by mail -- copy the other parent, or her attorney if she has one, on everything. Provide a copy of your court order showing that you have joint legal custody. Ask to discuss the case with him/her. Don't start out tough, because it will just put the therapist on his/her heels. Be nice -- better to get cooperation. Make it apparent that you are concerned for the CHILD'S welfare, not that you fear the child will disclose something detrimental to you.

Obviously, if the child HAS disclosed things detrimental to you, then the therapist will probably refuse to disclose to you as well, because you will be perceived as the reason for the child requiring therapy.

If this is the case, then you will need a court order. So, if after everything you try fails, and the therapist still refuses to cooperate, state in writing, that you believe that your child's privacy rights do not extend to you as parent, and, that if the therapist doesn't open up to you within 5 days, that you will ask the court to order him found in contempt as an agent of the other parent, in willfully frustrating your custodial rights.

Detter D

Just for clarification,,,I really don't know what his "damning" thing would
be about me.
She left the relationship and has admitted to being gay. 2 years ago.
I'm sure he might have some problem with my new girlfriend, but as
far as damning ...no.  I never left or had an affair before all of this started...she did.  


It may be likely he is seeing therapist because he is having problems with her lifestyle. Thus, she doesn't want you to know about it, as it could be grounds for you seeking custody.  Do everything in your power to get the info, this may be the answer to your prayers! Best of luck!