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A question for you Soc..............

Started by lissa68, May 17, 2004, 10:27:20 PM

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Iowa District Court

Father- Pro-Se

Mother-Represented by attorney

Petition to Modify Custody and Visitation filed January 04, by Father

Order to Show Cause, Motion For Contempt and Amended Petition filed April 04, by Father.

Trial Date Set for July 04.

All motions and petitions are going to be heard on that date in July.


1.  Is father allowed to serve opposing party interoggatories? If not, how does father go about getting order to have those?

2.  If so, are their certain ones to submit, or can they be questions a parental evaluator would ask?

3.  If answer is yes, father has sat down and answered these questions himself, does he send those to opposing attorney before or after opposing party answers hers?

I hope I am making sense,

Thank you Soc,



>1.  Is father allowed to serve opposing party interoggatories?
>If not, how does father go about getting order to have those?

Assuming that interrogatories are permitted under IA rules of civil procedure, then yes, with appropriate notice (usually 15 days to respond).

>2.  If so, are their certain ones to submit, or can they be
>questions a parental evaluator would ask?

Some jurisdictions have "form" interrogatories, to get answers to typical foundational questions, and there is frequently a limit to the # of questions you may ask (usually 35) without moving the court for leave to ask more. Interrogatories are rarely useful for anything substantial, since the party answering has an unlimited time to craft an answer. But, for names and addresses and stuff like that, it's useful.

>3.  If answer is yes, father has sat down and answered these
>questions himself, does he send those to opposing attorney
>before or after opposing party answers hers?

I don't understand the question.