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Parental Rights

Started by flewwellin, Dec 29, 2005, 07:12:17 PM

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For many reasons it has been decided that I want to terminate parental rights to my 2 minor children ages 6 and 4.  I live in NC they live in PA but NC holds jurisdiction.

1) If I give up my rights as their parent wouldn't my financial responsibilites be severed as well? (In regards to Child support)

2)  What would the steps be in order for me to get my rights terminated and child support order terminated?

3)  If my child support isn't terminated I don't want to give up my rights, how can I be sure the judge will cancel child support?

It may sound like I am trying to put a price tag on my children's head but that isn't the case.  I just feel that if I no longer have rights then my financial responsibilies should be terminated as well.


>For many reasons it has been decided that I want to terminate
>parental rights to my 2 minor children ages 6 and 4.  I live
>in NC they live in PA but NC holds jurisdiction.

Really? And just who exactly has decided to terminate your parental rights:

1. You alone?

If it's just you, then unless you've recently attempted to murder your kids, the court's not gonna terminate your parental rights and let you walk away on the child support obligation. If it were that easy, half of the parents in America would be on their way to the courthouse tomorrow morning.

2. You and the other parent?

If you and the other parent have agreed to this, then the court might do it, if it believed that the other parent was more than capable of independently supporting the children financially. Otherwise, you can forget about this one, too.

3. You and the other parent and his/her new spouse?

If this is the case, and the new spouse is willing to adopt, then the court will let you off the hook, because someone new is ready to step in and clamp on to the bait. My general position on this one is that anyone who would be willing to take this responsibility is dumber than a box of rocks, no matter how noble they believe themselves.

4. A court?

If a court has already decided to terminate your parental rights, then you just need to make certain the order states that your future support obligations are irrevocably severed, and if you can get the other parent to agree, then that your arrearages, if any, are irrevocably waived.