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Started by CGS, Nov 08, 2006, 11:42:30 AM

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Soc, I am preparing interrogatories for parenting and financial info. (Case and all parties are in MT) I had prepared the following interrogatories with regard to the parenting schedule for the child, but someone mentioned that they could be refused for being far reaching and overly broad.

Would you please review them and share with me if you think they are acceptable or over reaching?

1) State the permanent legal and physical custody arrangements that you believe are in the best interests of the child, specifically address the time that each natural parent should have with child.
2) Describe in detail the parenting responsibilities assumed by each party to date, and specifically set forth the time spent by each party with the child to date.
3)  State the name and address of each witness, expert or otherwise, that you intend to call on your behalf in this proceeding, and for each such witness, state:
a. The substance of the facts and opinions to which the witness is expected to testify;
b. Any assumed facts upon which the witness will rely;
c. A summary of the grounds for each opinion;
d. The contents of any documents upon which the witness will rely; and
e. The venue, case name and file number of any other matter in which the witness has testified

Thank you.
