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Need help fast plse anyone read

Started by jenjen, Jun 02, 2007, 06:53:33 AM

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Hello I found some one with a similar problem thay got custody of there son and prior to this was behind in support for 2000.00 dollars, the judge ordered support for her and said that since he owes her it will offset her past due support. and ordered it as such.

the judge also told her to make copies and send them to the dept of revenue, she going to give me her final orders tomorrow.

It only makes since to me, you cant have laws without mercy and the only place you can expect mercy is from the lord and hopefully a court judge concerned about it's citizens and children and also to protect them from the states oppression. anytime you forget about whats best for the childrens and make money at there expense is just as bad as a preditor using and exploiting them.

thanks I'll let you know how it all turns out


When or rather "how" are you going about "trying to schedule a hearing"?

Who is "pro se office silent havent set case for hearing"?

Emergency Motion?  Maybe -- but ONLY to stop the agency from freezing your bank account since that means 100% of your income is no longer available to feed the children.   That to me is an emergency.  And when you write and submit that motion attach a copy of the current order that gives you custody.  

I would also tell the court that a hearing is pending on the CS subject and explain that a bit -- because you believe in the end, CS will be a wash.


>Hello I found some one with a similar problem thay got
>custody of there son and prior to this was behind in support
>for 2000.00 dollars, the judge ordered support for her and
>said that since he owes her it will offset her past due
>support. and ordered it as such.
>the judge also told her to make copies and send them to the
>dept of revenue, she going to give me her final orders

That's nice. Unfortunately, it doesn't mean that what the department of revenue is doing is wrong. It simply means that you have to go to court to correct the current situation - which is what you've already been told.

UNTIL the court changes the order (and directs the department of revenue to do something different) AND/OR directs the bank to unfreeze your account, the department of revenue is only doing their job.

You have to straighten it out in court.

>It only makes since to me, you cant have laws without mercy
>and the only place you can expect mercy is from the lord and
>hopefully a court judge concerned about it's citizens and
>children and also to protect them from the states oppression.
>anytime you forget about whats best for the childrens and make
>money at there expense is just as bad as a preditor using and
>exploiting them.

Sorry, but the courts have no interest in mercy. On a good day, the best they can hope for is justice.


A judge said it wasnt an emergency but, the case was heard by another judge who ordered the dept of revenue to unfreeze the accounts, how ever it has been about a week and the dept of revenue has not followed the courts order.

My mortgage is behind as well as other bills...my belief is that the dept of revenue is determined to make me loose my home and destroy my childrens lives

can I file some kind of motion to enforce this order and make the dept of revenue release my accounts immediately?

were can I go for help!  the workers in the dept of revenue said that they are GOD and to think of the judge as jesus...and the judge is subject to there wrath if he or she does something they dont like

this appears to be true I think i'm gonna take my kids and try to move out of this state i fear for my children and family



Don't attribute to malice what can just as easily be explained as incompetence.

Have you taken the department of revenue a copy of the judge's order to unfreeze the accounts? If you have and they ignore it, ask to speak to someone higher up. Then ask to speak to their attorney.

If that doesn't work, then you're stuck going back to the original judge to ask him to hold them in contempt. But I don't think you'll need to if you do the above.

Meanwhile, I would send your mortgage company and anyone else you owe money to a copy of your order and tell them that you're trying to get your money freed up so you can pay, but to please be patient. It can't hurt and may help.


The dept. of revenue had there attorney at the hearing, the judges assisitant contacted the dept and was told that the accounts would be unfrozen immediately and the assistant faxed over a copy of the judges order to there attorney, I faxed a copy to the levy coordinator for the dept as well as a supervisor, also copies were faxed to the legal dept. of the banks holding my accounts. the state rep. also contacted the dept. of revenue. (I dont call or go there any longer due to the treatment I've recieved) unless I can have someone accompany me and they wont allow it in there interviewing rooms (interegation rooms).

I know we all would like to believe that this is just an error or incompetence, and believe me i have made all the rational excuses I could make, but the truth is that the excuses dont jive with reality.

I will send all my creditors a copy of the order and my efforts to resolve this problem.


Then AFAICT, your only other option is to file to have the state held in contempt.


You should be able to take a copy of the court order into your bank and show it to the bank manager and make a cash withdrawl from your account. ;)


I filed an emergency motion to enforce the court order and asked the court to order the banks to release accounts and not wait for the dept of revenue to complyalso I asked the court to order the dept. of revenue to reimbuse me for filing fees and other court costs...my accounts have since been released havent heard anything on the other requests for relief...