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Mom gets custody and child support

Started by Bolivar, Dec 23, 2004, 08:44:07 AM

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Another anecdote for those who claim that bias and other bad behavior doesn't flow profusely from the domestic courts (Licking County Juvenile Judge Robert Hoover). Judge Robert Hoover I hope you read this article:


Scott Strohm
Ohio Class Action Coordinator


Mom obtains custody, child support
Former missing girl wants to stay with mother
Advocate Reporter


NEWARK -- Sheri Lyn Taylor, a Johnstown woman who allegedly disappeared from her California home nine years ago with her daughter, retained residential custody of the girl Monday after six hours of negotiations.

Taylor will also receive child support from the girl's father, David Brancheau,
who will have regular visitation rights.

Authorities allege Taylor left California with her daughter Vanesa Brancheau, in 1995, gave her the assumed name of Ariel Rose Taylor, and lived in Kansas City, Mo., Daytona Beach, Fla., and Pataskala before moving to Johnstown.

She claims she left California because she was afraid David could harm them.

The two were found living in Johnstown in July after a woman recognized Vanesa's picture from the Web site of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

Taylor received temporary physical custody of her daughter, now 14, in September after a two-day hearing in front of Licking County Juvenile Judge Robert Hoover.

David Brancheau, of Auburn Hills, Mich., will pay $425 per month in child
support, plus processing fees. He can visit with his daughter every fifth
weekend of the year, and four to six weeks in the summer.

Brancheau says the final agreement rewards Taylor for keeping his child away from him.

"I feel I had 14 years of parental alienation I didn't cause, and I'm left
holding the bag," he said.

He went along with the plan because Vanesa wanted to live with her mother, he said.

Vanesa will be covered under her mother's health insurance plans, but David
Brancheau will be temporarily responsible for 67 percent of any uncovered
extraordinary expenses for the girl. Both parents will share travel necessary
for extended visitations, like those during holidays or spring and summer break, and will pay attorney and court fees.

Taylor and Brancheau must also avoid making "disparaging" remarks about each other.

Although Taylor's custody issue appears to be over, she faces felony charges of forgery and interference with custody for actions allegedly taken during her nine-year run from her daughter's father. Taylor allegedly used false documents for school enrollment in the Southwest Licking School District, sparking the forgery charge.

Last month, Taylor chose to be charged by a bill of information, which waived her rights to indictment and review by jury.

Taylor's attorney, John OBora, said he is happy with the outcome of the custody hearing, but declined to comment further citing Taylor's upcoming review for the diversion program.

Acceptance into that program would allow her to avoid jail time for the felony charges and would be similar to serving probation. OBora believes his client would be a good candidate for diversion, but said she will likely enter a plea if she is not accepted.

Reporter Lachelle Seymour can be reached at (740) 328-8546 or

Originally published Tuesday, December 21, 200


I saw that this morning and could not believe they are rewarding the mother for kidnapping. Just shows how off balance things are.


She runs with the kid, without documented abuse against the father, and gets custody???  Damn, she even gets child support.  

Bolivar, check out my post on the visitation board(starts out Ho ho ho...).  I wish to hell I had a place out of state and money to get my kids(second oldest was 17 at the time), and just run after he was removed from the home.  Once the court decree is in, you must obey it.  At least I thought you had to.

Supports my theory of Satanic protection....


That is just wrong, she gets nothing for kidnapping her child but a pat on the back and remains having custody of a child she hid from the father.

Just goes to show how the system works towards the cp's. Now if a ncp kidnapped his/her child I am sure the outcome would have been much different.

I feel for this father and child. WHOOO this fahter GET visitation every 5th weekend of the 4year and 4-6 weeks in the summer, and has to pay 67% of the medical and cs and 1/2 the travel expenses. sad truely sad.

I hope this woman since she isn't gonna get anything for kidnapping gets jail time for forgery but I am not holding my breath.

Says the child wants to live with mom, hmmm yeh she doesn't know her father thanks to her mother and god only knows what lies mom told this child.

**These are my opinions, they are not legal advice**