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Christmas ..........

Started by Stepmom0418, Dec 24, 2004, 11:03:29 AM

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Sounds like you had a great Christmas! Doesn't matter when you spend Christmas. It is the time together that is the important thing!

SO, no heat, water and granny got busted for drugs. WOW

A call to your attorney would be very appropriate....

Keep us posted!


"The only place in the school distric that SS could stay is with his grandma whom just got out of rehab and was recentally found guilty on a drug charge."

You can get a court date for this, but you will need more info.

Like a long list of "How this is negativity effecting the child".

As for not having heat.  Why do they not have heat?

You may not change custody status with this, but you may be able to have SS live with you.  This will/may set precedence with the court as to living arrangements.


We aren't sure exactly why they have no heat. SS said that their landlord took their furnace and that the landlord is going to buy a new furnace when he gets their rent money. (she is on low rent housing and the majority  of the rent is paid by hud or section 8 )

We put a call into DH attorney but attorney is out untill Jan 3rd. It does say on the voicemail that they will be checking messages and returning calls. Hopefully they will call soon!!!!!!

I dont really know what the attorney will think of this new mess of things but I guess I will see when they call. Wish us luck and in the meantime we are just going to enjoy SS cause he is here and safe and sound!!!!!