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filed ferpa complaint still nothing

Started by c_alexander, Feb 20, 2005, 11:32:58 AM

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I have been having some trouble getting school records for my daughter out in colorado. Recently I got tired of writing letters and being deferred to my daughters incompetant teachers and filed a complaint with the us baord of education against them for violation of ferpa. Ihave heard nothing, recieved nothing from the school, nada, zip, zero. I am sending another letter directlly to the principal with a copy of the compalint and the suggestiont hat she consult with the schools attorney to see jsut how serious Iam getting now. These dolts had better start sending the information and I mean now. I am tired of beating this dead horse you know.


Keep it up Chris. Did you quote the dolts the law? Mr. KAT's first *nice* FERPA request was met with a voice message that pretty much stating "We don't do that here cause we don't have to and if you want it you need to get it from the custodial parent"....ah ya' don't? So they were sent a STRONGLY worded letter that quoted both state & federal laws. As it happens someone skipped on over the copier & sent a TON of information (more then requested actually). They skipped soooo fast that the file made it here even before the little green card got back!! hahaha Wonder if anyone was injured? Guess they got it now. Hope it at least saves another non custodial parent a future headache. I really don't think they knew!!


This is what I sent only the names have been changed to protect the innocent:

Christopher Alexander
16 Parkridge Drive   
Mt. Vernon, IN 47620
(812) 838-9325
[email protected]

February 21, 2005

Mrs. Mary Kutnerberg
Elementary School

Dear Principal :

Please accept this letter as my LAST formal request for any and all school information regarding my biological daughter,  Jessica  of Mrs. X's 3rd grade class. I would like this letter to be entered into Jessica's permanent school record along with the 2 other letters I have sent.  As there is no court order barring me from contact with my daughter and I have always tried to be an involved father I am exercising my rights under State law and FERPA to have full, unhindered access to my daughter's school information.

I have attempted to get this information through her mother,  but due to our inability to communicate, I am requesting this information directly from the school. Also I have tried numerous times to get this information from Jessica's teachers, but without success. As a result of your school districts in ability to follow FEDERAL and Colorado state law I have been forced to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education, which I have enclosed a copy with this letter. If you inquire with the school districts attorney you will discover that non compliance with these requests can lead to serious repercussions. I do NOT wish this to happen, however I grow tired of repeatedly asking for the same information and being given the run around. To date, in the 2 years Jessica has been a student of the Cherry Creek school district I have received 1 report card, numerous school news letters, which I never asked for, and a copy of her very thin school record. Furthermore I have talked directly with Mrs. X's at the beginning of the school year and informed her of my wishes to be a part of Jessica's schooling, and of my difficulties in obtaining the requested information from her previous school. I was assured by Mrs. X that this would not be a problem and that I would receive the information I was requesting. Information to be released includes, but is not limited to, the following:
Photocopies of all report cards, achievement tests, permission slips, school newsletters, school picture notification, and any other paperwork that is sent to Jessica's primary residence.

Make sure that my name is in the Father spot on any and all school records, make sure that my name, address, and home telephone number are included in the school records as emergency contacts (this information is provided below).

      To be able to contact teachers, aides, counselors, principals, and other school personnel to discuss Jessica's progress in school, any behavioral or disciplinary concerns, and general social well-being of Jessica Paige Alexander in school, via telephone, email, fax, or in person.

      I want to be notified of and have the opportunity to participate by telephone (or in person if possible) in ANY and ALL meetings, conferences, disciplinary discussions, and any other meetings which require parent participation.

      Copies of any standardized testing results along with opportunities to speak with school personnel if any help is needed interpreting the results.

      Copies of school calendars and notification of special events (winter/spring concerts, plays, school carnival, etc).

      ANY and ALL disciplinary actions (suspension from school or school bus, detentions, etc.) on a timely basis so that Jessica's mother and I may discuss her behavioral concerns when they happen.

I realize that completing a mailing daily is unreasonable. I would be satisfied that non-timely documents can wait and be mailed in bulk. However, any materials or notifications of meetings that are highly time-sensitive , including report cards, need to be mailed in time for me to be an active participant in Jessica's schooling. If the time frame is too small for mailing, please call me at one of the telephone numbers listed below to inform me.

If you have any question as to whether a piece of information should be sent to me, send it. If you need verification that I am Jessica's father you may contact her Mother  at (###)###-#### for verification.
Also please note that my address has changed. All mail to my old address is still being forwarded however.

I do hope that this will be the last time that I have to send a letter like this and that my requests will be taken seriously by you and your faculty. I will be moving to the Denver area this summer and I wish very much to have a positive relationship with the school and play a more active role in Jessica's education. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Christopher Alexander
16 Parkridge Drive
Mt. Vernon, IN 47620
(812) 838-9325

I think it is pretty strong. I sent with it a copy of my complaint letter to the board of education. Next letters goto the superintendent.


We sent one request to the school itself (basic format from SPARC) and were informed that they'd called pbfh to check if it was ok and she had told them there was a court order barring dh from the information.  Wow, funny how the court forgot to notify dh, huh?

Anyway, the next letter went directly to the superintendent, again using a SPARC format letter quoting FERPA.  However, we'd been notified of noncompliance on a Friday, SO, (LOVING email being a computer geek) I copied and pasted the letter we were sending to the superintendent into an email and emailed it to the superintendent and copied the principal of the school and the entire school board that Friday evening.  Gotta love those school websites lol.  On Saturday morning, dh took the letters to the post office and sent them out CRRR.

Monday morning at about the time the school opened for the day, we got a voice mail from the principal telling us to expect the information within the next few days.  The principal later called and told us that he'd also called a meeting with pbfh (and her SO -- the "father" on the school's records) requesting (read demanding due to a potential lawsuit and loss of funds) a copy of the CO barring dh from having the information.  She couldn't provide it, but apparently tried and tried to convince the principal that giving the info was wrong/bad.  We got it anyway, but she was right, it was a bad idea to give us the info -- for her anyway since he missed so much school and was doing so poorly, etc., etc.

Anyway, that's our FERPA story.  Sorry I rambled on so much.


Lead your life so you wouldn't be ashamed to sell the family parrot to the town gossip.
- Will Rogers[em]

Lead your life so you wouldn't be ashamed to sell the family parrot to the town gossip. ~  Will Rogers