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Gawd, they're ALREADY painting her as the VICTIM!

Started by Brent, Jan 30, 2006, 01:21:40 PM

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The media is already portraing this mother who murdered her 3 kids as a poor, helpless woman in need of help, not prosecution. Would the father, Arturo Morales, get this kind of treatment if he'd been the one who murdered these children?

Woman Pleads Not Guilty in Deaths of Kids

Monday January 30, 2006 7:31 PM
Associated Press Writer

DE QUEEN, Ark. (AP) - A woman accused of smothering her three children was distraught over the breakup of her marriage and told police that she blessed the children before suffocating them, a prosecutor said Monday.

Eleazar Paula Mendez pleaded not guilty to three counts of capital murder and was ordered held without bail Monday. The judge also ordered a mental evaluation.

Mendez, 43, told investigators she tried to kill herself on Friday by ingesting ant poison, Prosecutor Tom Cooper said. She said the children saw her take the pesticide and asked her to kill them, too, he said.

``'I blessed them and then I suffocated them,''' Mendez told investigators, according to Cooper.

Cooper said he believes Mendez poisoned the children before suffocating them, but he questions other parts of her account. The children's bodies were sent to the state Crime Laboratory for autopsies.

Police found the bodies of 7-year-old Elvis and 5-year-old twins Samantha and Samuel on a bed in their home Saturday after a call from the children's worried father, Arturo Morales, 37, who lives in New York.

Mendez had moved to the small Arkansas town about a year ago to give the children a safer environment, and friends said Morales had been planning to join her.

He was to have visited the family in Arkansas during the Christmas holiday, but he didn't show up, so Mendez took the children to New York, Police Chief Richard McKinley said. During the visit, Morales asked for a divorce, he said.

Cooper said Mendez had left a note in Spanish saying she couldn't go on without Morales.

``She wanted to stay together. She hoped that he was happy in his new endeavor and didn't want to live without him,'' Cooper said.

Morales had arrived in De Queen but hadn't spoken at length with prosecutors.

``He's having a hard time making sense of everything,'' McKinley said.

Mendez, who speaks limited English, listened to an interpreter through headphones during Monday's hearing. She replied ``Si'' when asked if she understood the court's procedures.

Defense attorney Norman Cox said the mental evaluation ordered by the judge would likely delay the case for six to nine months

Friends described Mendez as a caring mother.

``Many times she showed me photos of her children,'' said M. Rocio Maya, who attended St. Barbara Catholic Church with the family. ``She showed me when she was pregnant with each one of them, photos of her husband, of the happy life that they had always lived.''

The Rev. Salvador Marquez-Munoz said Mendez had lived in the United States for 10 years since moving from Mexico, and left New York for Arkansas so her children could grow up in a safer environment. The family never missed Sunday Mass and attended religious education classes, he said.

The priest said he spoke with her at the hospital Saturday night.

"She has tremendous remorse. She is deeply sorry,'' he said Sunday. "She asked for our prayers and forgiveness because she is realizing how much she has hurt the community, as well.''