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Need help yesterday!

Started by jacobramotar, Aug 20, 2007, 09:12:59 PM

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Hello everyone.

I am going through a tough time, as I am sure everyone who is on these forums is.

Heres my story, any imput or help on my situation would be great.

About 2 days ago me and my girlfiend who just had a beutiful 3 month year old baby boy got into an arguement. This was in the middle of the night, we jsut slept it off and that was that.  So the next day she takes my house key without my knowledge. When I go to the store to get grocieries for my family I come back with her car gone, and the doors locked without me having any access. I call her numberous times and do not get ahold of her. After about 12 hours I get a call from her and she tells me she is staying at her sisters house. I demand that my baby return to his family house (where all his cloths, baby supplies, food ect) are located. I ask her to do this numberious times and she denies. She tells me that I have to move out and she is going to keep the baby. I try to patch things up by offering to go to family counseling ect.. So two more days go by, she refuses to let me see my baby boy, im crushed. She goes to work during the day and has "people" watch MY BABY! I just was laid off a week ago and am at home able to care for my child. I am a great father and me and my son are splended together. I have never ever laid a hand on her throughout the 5 years we have been together. She has hit me 3 times.
So she comes to the house with her dad,mom,sister who wait in the car. She tells me I threatend to hit her so she is moving out with my boy.
I again try to patch things up and ask her to work things out with me and a family conselur(sp). She tells me she will someday but she wants me out of the house.

So today I call the police and they tell me to let things rest for a day. I am so anxious to see my child. I have came to the conclusion that me and my girlfiend are not ment to be with eachother. But I want to see my child! She tells me I can have him every once and awhile during the day, but no over night stays. I think this is terrible. The police told me to call back if she does not return with my child.

Im feeling ashamed that I have to file a parental kidnapping charge against her, but if i ever left with my child she would do the same. I just got off the phone with her and told her I want my child in my arms by tomorrow @ 8am and if she didnt I would call an attorny and police. She said to stop threating me.



First of all, you cannot file parental kidnapping charges against her. At this moment, since you are not married, she is the only lawful custodian of the child, and she can take the child wherever she wants to.

You need to hire an attorney IMMEDIATELY (if you can't afford one, then beg and borrow until you can).

The attorney needs to file for a paternity test and for custody. I don't believe the situation warrants an emergency hearing, so count on this taking 3-6 months. Maybe the refusal to let you spend time with the child, or even see the child may get you an emergency hearing, but don't count on it.

Start reading this website, start at the Articles pages.
