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Urgent!! I think my ex is going to flee!

Started by rblzwife, Jun 11, 2008, 01:50:11 PM

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keep after the CHILDREN's rights to have a father in their life.

Think of it that way.


Hey! Chill out! I believe EVERY state has a procedure that MUST be followed to move a minor out of the state. She CANNOT legally move children without prior notification and going through the legal process. By law she must file a motion to relocate, then YOU file a counter motion seeking to stop the relocation. You NEED a good lawyer now who has not just defended against a relocation, but has actually WON a relocation. But, apparently that is water under the bridge now...you need the attorney to file a contempt motion, and you need to alert CPS and let them know that your children were kidnapped.

Get an attorney, but make sure to ask him/her the question "How many times have you won a case for a man?" The WILL try to weasel out of this by saying "oh, many times"...say "I mean not settling. I mean in trial. I mean how many times has a man you defended gotten custody of the kids?" Don't let them weasel out. Most of them have NEVER won a case for a man. They will all try to scare you and say you CANNOT win, that you should settle.

NEVER, NEVER SETTLE unless you are sure it is in your favor. If you don't get custody, or shared parenting, or 50-50 DO NOT SETTLE. Then the ex wins FOREVER.

Dude, she has done you a favor! By just packing up and leaving without going through the process she has totally hosed herself in the upcoming custody battle.

It took me a year of fighting and about $30,000 in legal fees, but I WON. I kept the b---h from moving my son to NC from Missouri. I now have custody of him. If you or anyone else needs advice on legal issues IN GENERAL I would be more than happy to help. I am not an attorney, but I have been divorced several times and in the courtroom about 70 times or so. I know all about the attorneys and all the little games. I know what you can win and what you should not even hope to win. Pick your battles man...pick your battles.



For Christmas my daughter got a cell phone with texting and has been in constant contact with me!!!  i talk to her almost every day. it is so great. however, she has asked for me NOT to call the house because her mom can't know that she is talking to me. at this point i am just so glad to have communication with her that i am going to do what she asks.  i notified GA that she was not living there anymore and they have sent my ex a notice that they are closing her child support case within 60 days. she will have to take me back to court in NC if she wants child support.... I am ready!!!  i completely acknowledge my responsibility to pay child support but at least now i have some leverage.  if she takes me back to court in NC, she will have to tell the judge WHY she has refused ANY visitation!!!  i think this is the break i have been waiting for. 


You can file contempt charges every time you have visits denied (and file a police report- They wont do anything but write a report). She will be forced to come back and answer each time. File yourself.....it is free by me, some place a small fee. YOu have her address so you can have her served through a company (around $30). YOu cant let her be there for 6 months because she can then file there so try and make sure the case stays by you. Have an active case by you...
Glad to hear you get to talk to your daughter!


Quote from: ocean on Feb 03, 2009, 02:26:46 PM
YOu cant let her be there for 6 months because she can then file there so try and make sure the case stays by you.

If court is in his state, and he remains there, the case should stay there.

If you haven't already, you can file to establish a long distance parenting plan. She'll have to abide by that.