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Started by JML6501, Jun 06, 2012, 08:08:05 AM

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Ok so I could use a little feedback please.  I have had a 50/50 3 days on 3 days off parenting plan with my daughter since she was 8 months old.  NO home is designated as primary.  My ex lives about a 45 minute drive and we have met half way for exchanges.  I have never been less then 15 minutes early for an exchange nor missed any parenting time.  My daughter has 2 other siblings that live with me on the same schedule.  I fought like hell to get this, challenging a move-away case and won.  It was a full fight including a CFI that was in favor of what I was asking.    The issue now is that my child is almost five and school is right around the corner.  The ex is a teacher and since she is an "education expert" she is wanting our daughter to attend school where she lives.  Im almost certain that she will be filing a modification any day.  I imagine that she will want me to have every other weekend.  What I will propose is that we do our best to maintain the status quo in a 50/50 schedule of some sort.  Since she is in fact a teacher and has the summers off, she would be able to have week days in the summer, me having weekends, and during the school year I would have our child to attend the same school my other children have attended that is blocks away.  What ever time needs equaled back to 50/50 will be made up with school holidays or additional time in the summer.   IF the rolls where reversed, since I work year round and get no winter /spring breaks, maintaing a 50/50 would be near impossible.

Would love any feedback/advice.  Thanks in advance.