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I was left to Die ...

Started by Abusedinnevada, Aug 06, 2006, 11:21:15 AM

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Hello ,
I am new on these boards , Trying to help my mother who was beaten, Kidnapped and almost killed on a truck. The man who did this was never charged in nevada, But he has a warrent for his arrest in texas where She was rescued. She has police reports to back this up. She is going threw the Las vegas corts to regain custody of 3 children, She placed them in custody to save them from abuse. The several times caseworkers called her This man was yelling ,Threatening and cussing in the back ground.
The caseworkers them selves were scared of his temper. Yet they left my mother there to die . She had called metro several times and they never even left her a pamplet of places abused women can go. This man is also on Parole .For a violent crime no less.
My mothers first attorney a court appointed attorney(if you can call her that) Told my mother on several occaisions "Stop acting like the victum"

The courts are now trying to terminate her rights because her now ex wont comply with court orders , Or she wont get a job ( She is on SSI) with Dr backing.
The judge in this matter is so off base . He yells at my mother in court telling her "Sit down and shut up" and " Dont think I am giveing back your son cause I think your a good mother,Cause I dont"

The caseworker has plotted to purger herself in court when she was heard saying . Lets just tell the Judge we got a placement , I'll figgure out the rest later. and when she was orderd to reunite the girls in this case she was also heard saying. I wont  make the girl communicate to her .We will tell the Dr to write something up.
The caseworker also has also on several occaisions forced my mother to move claiming the places she lived were unexceptable  and she would not issue a ICPC. In speeking with my mothers Psyc DR this worker told the DR I'll send for doccuments and never did .Nor did she turn in evidence to support my mothers compliance.

The corts gave my mother back 1 child giveing back another and terminated on the girls. For lack of a better word this is confussing . I would think if you are good enough to parent 1 child you are good enough for all 4 (if the case may be) . The case workers have been non compliant at best even going as far as blocking any and all contact with the girls. When the Judge is told of this he turns a blind eye and land blasts my mother.

She has been told to file a judical disaplin complaint against the judge for bias and predjudus but has not done so due to implied threat she will loose custody of the one getting ready to come home. Her attorny has tried to leave the case stateing that it was over when it wasnt. Wont keep incontact with her or file for mistrial. Can someone anyone please help us before it's too late ??
The courts and caseworkers have revictimized this family so badly this is one of our last hopes to get any help. We have prayed and begged for any help and seems everyone is scared to step up and help us . Please email me if you can  maybe we can talk and figgure out what to do next..