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light at the end of the tunnel

Started by lizzysdad, Oct 26, 2006, 06:05:41 PM

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Wow did my wife give it to me.

     In Aug. of 2006, my wife and I decided to divorce. We agreed to a 50/50 split custody over our daughter. Or so I thought.
     Before I even went to file, she decided to try to get a TRO claiming domestic violence against me. Saying that I am "harassing her" by coming over and "demanding" to see our daughter. I was called the 1st birthday of our daughter to remind me to be in court the next day. Luckly when the judge read the complant the next day, he denied the TRO and awarded me 2 days unsupervised visits with our daughter untill medeation. My wife was pissed. She called her mom's divorce lawyer and did not file the orders.
     We continued to share our daughter 2 days me and 5 her. THis was ok because I felt in mediation that we would go to the 50/50 shared plan.
      Then she dropped a bomb on me. Knowing that I was out of town, her attorney and my wife filled for an emergancy hearing. My lawyer that I retained just before I left was unable to answer her many mistruth that she told. And I was no where to be found.
      I was givin no visitation rights what so ever.  
       Thank the lord that my wife is such a bad lier. she told so many untruths that I was able to prove that she had a propensty to lie. One of my favorite lie was that I lived rapist named MR.XXXX; However, the Mr.XXXX I lived with was a different Mr.XXXX that shared the same name.
     There where more like I use to assult her and that I was a "sick and dangrous man." Yet three weeks after the hearing she sends me a love note claiming that she is still in love with me.
     During our medeation she and I agree and sign again to a 50/50 split custody, So there it ends right.......No.
At our next hearing she claims to have "misunderstood" the agreement. So we get ordered back to medeation, But the judge ordered me untill the medation to have two and a half days of unsupervised visits with our daughter.
     Thus, once more into the breach I go. How do make an agreement with someone incapable of being good to her word. All the while our daughter is left wonerdering where is daddy? Why did he leave me?
     The truth is I love her and will keep fighting (if need be) untill our daughter is happy and stable.
     Wish me luck, and thank you for letting me vent.

your truely,