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Cindy Ross. Tsk, Tsk, Tsk!

Started by Brent, Apr 26, 2004, 03:45:54 PM

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Remember [a href=http://www.ignorecindyross.com]Cindy Ross[/a]? She's the person who said that "father's rights) groups are comprised of misogynists, batterers, child molesters, sociopaths and criminals, their present wives, girlfriends and mothers, as well as those trying to repeal the 19th Amendment."  She also said that "father's rights) groups are affiliated with pedophiles and others who advocate incest and deviant sex...".

Well....stay tuned, because a little birdie told me that there was going to be some very interesting information coming to light about Miz Ross. Here's a preview:

Apparently, Cindy Ross isn't the sweet and simple soul we'd all like to believe she is. No, it would seem that Miz Ross could be the poster child for Restraining Orders. Word has it that she felt compelled to get a restraining order against her own step-daughter, an 11-year-old girl who made the mistake of worshipping at the same synagogue as Miz Ross did.

This should have come as no surprise to Miz Ross, since it was the family synagogue that they had attended many times before. But clearly this 11-year-old girl was such a dreadful menace to Miz Ross, who insisted on calling the Police to the temple. Miz Ross must have cowered in fear of her life from the little girl (because after all, we all know how terrifying little girls are, especially when they're going to temple).

I should mention that Miz Ross' husband was (and still is) a Rabbi and a teacher who was caring for his two children for years after his wife had died. Not only is he a Rabbi, but he's a Rabbi at the synagogue where this took place. Apparently Miz Ross also tried to get a  restraining order against her husband so he couldn't attend the synagogue where he performed his duties as a Rabbi. Are you starting to get the picture now? Can you say "vindictive"?)

On another note, the court officiating the divorce closed the case after a long series of court battles. There was apparently wording in the orders to the effect that Miz Ross was not allowed to take the case to another court and refile it. However, that's exactly what she did. Not once, not twice, but fifteen times!! The court had enough of these shananigans and the judge is said to have told Miz Ross that he had had enough- if she refiled the case one more time, he would put her in jail. The judge basically got tired of Miz Ross frivolously abusing the court system.

On another note, it seems that Miz Ross stiffed her first attorney for over $40,000- wouldn't pay a nickel. She also refused to pay her portion of the bill for the GAL's parenting report. Apparently the GAL billed her repeatedly but Miz Ross has simply refused to pay any of it.

Does that mean that Cindy Ross is a DEADBEAT? Say it isn't so!

That little birdie says "stay tuned, there's more to come". This is apparently just the tip of the iceberg.


I wonder if mizz Ross has ever heard of the saying: "People in glass houses shouldnt throw stones."

Whats more, I seriously doubt she would see the connection.


If there's a known and credible source to this information, why not post it in the guest book at the ignorecindyross website?



>If there's a known and credible source to this information,
>why not post it in the guest book at the ignorecindyross

Because it's only a fraction of what's going to be coming. My sources say there's going to be a huge archive of stuff on Cindy Ross that will dwarf this little appetizer.



When we've bantered about effective campaign strategy in the past on offensive parties, this is the exact kind of approach that I've found extremely effective.

Looking forward to your accurate character assassination that can exist eternally on the information superhighway whenever someone looks up the likes of Cindy Ross.  

And then rinse/repeat for any similar whack-jobs that get in the way of family law reform to best serve kids' healthy relationships with their parents.
