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Am I out of line wanting my daughter to take one day of school off...

Started by wallyworld85, Apr 07, 2004, 06:44:40 AM

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My ex is already brainwashing my child for my upcoming visit in FL (IM IN IL) regarding me getting to see her.  My daughter told me that she will probably NOT get to see me (I haven't seen her in almost 1.5 YEARS) because "she will be in school".  Am I out of line if I request her to have ONE day off (a FRI) so I can see her before I HAVE to leave for IL on SAT?  Court is that Thurs. so I am unsure why I wouldn't be able to see her that evening also.  My daughter is now acting as if she isn't going to see me or even be home.  

The thing is, my ex brings my daughter to school late a lot and I really do NOT want to hamper her education, but will one day do that, I do NOT think so.  Especially a Friday when most Fridays in school are pretty lax (usually no tests except for spelling etc...)

ANY OPINIONS?  Am a a bad father for reqesting her ONE day off.  I think it would be more in her best interests to see me for the day.  I have ALREADY asked the school if I could sit in with her (if she isn't allowed the day off) and they said ONLY if her mother gives permission---Yah, right!

Kitty C.

How about spending the day with her in school?  Do you have contact with the school or her teachers?  You must know that all the roadblocks for you to see your daughter are of the making of your ex.  Maybe she's assuming that you only want to take her OUT of school and doesn't expect you to be IN school with her.  It's a great way to see how your daughter is doing, away from the BM's eyes.

Another thing, if the BM intends to spend the day at school also, stick to your guns.  She just might, just to make you go away.  Stand your ground, get there BEFORE they do, also to introduce yourself to school personnel.  If BM tries to intimidate you by staying also, stand your ground.  You have EVERY right to be there.  Act like it doesn't even bother you for her to be there (looking THRU people has an interesting aspect on their perspective!) and who knows, maybe she won't be able to take the heat and leave herself!

Something else to consider.  Ask for it in court on Thurs.  Ask to spend the day in school and for her to go with YOU after school until sometime that evening or even overnight till Sat. morning, before you leave.  If you've seen VERY little of her, I've heard many judges who will allow at least that much.  It happened in my case.  That way, if you spend the day with her in school, your ex can't thwart your spending the evening with her by picking her up early from school.  Always think of the possibilities that the BM might consider and counter them.  And ask for the time in court on Thurs.
Handle every stressful situation like a dog........if you can't play with it or eat it, pee on it and walk away.......


No, you are not being a bad Father. Your request is a very human one.
I would also make a point of having sometime with her over the weekend. She needs to have time with you!

Very best of luck, my prayers are with you and your family.
Please keep us posted on things go.


Well if mom is going to be difficult and seems like the school is too, why not ask at the hearing on thurs if you can take your daughter out of school that day or if you can spend the day at school with her, explain to the judge that you called the school and they said you can sit in class with the daught IF mom allowed it, well if it is court ordered they have no choice but to let you, also if you have joint legal you have every right to be at the school, take a copy of the court order with you to the school.


I am of the thinking that a missed day of school here and there is no big deal. Growing up my mom would let me "play hookie" every now and again when I just didnt feel like going in.  The only requirements were that I do well in school.  My opinion is that, as adults we all like to play hookie once in a while, why are kids any different.  As long as you daughter is doing well I dont think that there is any big deal in missing a day.