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The 30-second Rapist

Started by Brent, Jun 23, 2004, 05:53:14 AM

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Feminists and the anti-male paradigm
Anna Marshall - 3 May 2004

Feminism has achieved much for women but moderate feminists are concerned at the current direction of the movement.

Following years of highly-organised campaigning and lobbying, the feminist movement, now largely controlled by a group of male-hating extremists, is creating an increasingly anti-male world. The aim of this radical group appears to be to turn males into a despised group of second-class citizens.

The feminist warriors are well on the way to achieving these aims. Women are being given priority treatment in government recruitment, in the courts, in education and in judicial appointments.

Many males have been badgered and brainwashed into joining their campaign.  

Feminists insidious  influence  on sex laws

Feminists have worked the legal system to get the crime of rape elevated above murder while widening the definition of rape. Rapists routinely get longer sentences than murderers.

The diabolical episode of the 30-second rapist

In 1985 the Western Australian parliament dramatically amended the law relating to rape, first by changing the term rape to sexual assault and then greatly widening the definition of what could be classed as sexual assault. Many acts not previously constituting rape were included in the new Act and the criteria for sexual assault was any type of penetration where consent was not present and ongoing. It did not matter that force or threats were not  used. The penalty for any type of sexual assault was increased to fifteen years imprisonment.

Where any type of force was used, the charge was aggravated sexual assault, carrying a penalty of twenty years imprisonment.

The draconian Act soon snared its first victim. Perth resident  Kevin Ibbs was having consensual sex with Christine Watson on the night of 29 November 1986. Watson, a close friend of Ibbs's wife, Katrina Carter,  was living in the same house with Ibbs and Carter. The sex act was taking place with the full knowledge of Carter who was in the house at the time.

As Ibbs was nearing ejaculation, Watson suddenly withdrew her consent to sex (so she later claimed)  and tried to push Ibbs away. He continued for a short time. Too late, he was trapped. He was charged with sexual assault and found guilty under the new law. The judge found that Ibbs had continued sexual intercourse for about thirty seconds without consent (for which he was later dubbed the 30-second rapist).  The judge sentenced him to four years imprisonment. ([a href=http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/HCA/1987/46.html]Details of the case[/a])

Some years later Watson admitted to police that the whole incident was was a set-up orchestrated by Carter to have Ibbs charged with sexual assault to get him out of the house they were sharing.

Christine Elizabeth Watson aka Christine Elizabeth Wardle and Katrina Ann Carter were subsequently convicted of conspiring to pervert the course of justice. They served seven months in jail.

Mr Ibbs was acquitted in 2001 but the damage was done. He says that his health has been affected, his career as a tradesman has been ruined and the whole affair has cost him over one million dollars.



And the 2 women involved,, got 7 months,, boy THATS harsh.    Sheesh.