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chicken pox?

Started by nontrad mom, Apr 10, 2004, 04:43:13 AM

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nontrad mom

Last weekend it was visit weekend.  We noticed a rash and were informed by the little one that mom already knew about it and determined it was not chicken pox.  We got sidetracked with other issues during the visit and forgot about the rash until the day it was time for her to go  back to mom.  Dad emailed mom on Sunday about the rash that it may be chicken pox or bug bites he's not really sure.  Basically it was a plea to take her to the doctor.  NO RESPONSE.
NOTHING!!!!  What if she has chicken pox?  She has young relatives she is supposed to visit during Easter Weekend!
Obviously at this point in time dad will make an appointment for Monday but still, there are things you have to watch out for when your kid has chicken pox.  Like new ones, and just the simple fact that you need to communicate about the health of your child!
Should a social worker be called?
That's pretty bad, to ignore the emails about your child's health and not have the humanity to do anything.
I would appreciate any help thank you!


Do you know if she has already received the chicken pox vaccination? If she has, she can still get chicken pox, but usually it won't be as bad.  Also, keep this in mind.
You stated you got sidetracked with other issues during the visit and forgot about the rash.  Apparently it isn't so bad that the child complained much, or you would have remembered about it.  This may also be happening with the mom.  

If you called social services, they would ask you why you didn't take the child during this past weekend if you were so concerned.  

Your best bet is to follow up with the cp and ask if the rash has improved or worsened.  If the child has chicken pox, a trip to the doctor is not necessary unless he/she begins to run a high fever, over 104. with it.  Calamine lotion for chicken pox or bug bites works well.  

If she is in school, go visit her next week during school, at the school, and ask her about her rash.  Perhaps have the school nurse check her over.  

That is the best advice I can give, perhaps someone else has other thoughts.