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Started by ShareNCare, Apr 29, 2004, 04:43:00 AM

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my DH that he would like to go back to live with his Mom when school starts next year.
His mom continuely lays guilt on him and wants him to feel sorry for her that she's "Alone" (meaning she has no other children living at home).
There are no rules at her house. She rarely knows where he is. We know that one of his best friends has been caught selling drugs and uses. He has visited his mom 3 times in the past year. Each time he has spent a significant amount of time with this friends against our requests to him and his mother. Over spring break he was with his mom for 10 days. On his return he said that he only spend 2 days with his mom and the rest with friends.
We know his mothers is not a good environment for him in his teenage years. We live in a rural area and have a very close family. He has a 16 yr old SB and a 10 yr old HB at our home. We have fair rules and teach respect and responsibility. We are afraid what will happen if we let him go back.
We have enough evidence to probably stand up in court that going back is not in his best interest. But hate to have another custody battle. My SS is pretty easy going, but we're also afraid he could make all our lives rocky if we insist that he stay.
Open to any comments on this situation that some of you may have already faced.


It may cause some unpleasantness, but really, do what you think is right. Would it be right to allow this child to live in that environment? It sounds like it wouldn't. So your decision is made! What you have to decide is how you will handle the consequences. Prepare yourself for his hissy fits and his mom being bitter and cruel. The positive side is, he may be having hissy fits, but he is having them in a safe home. Ex may be bitter and cruel, but she doesn't have much of an opportunity to act that way infront of the child. JMHO

BTW How old is this boy?