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Started by MYSONSDAD, Jul 06, 2004, 11:06:54 AM

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Dear Working Families e-Activist:

Today the U.S. House and Senate reconvene for the last three-week session before the Bush overtime pay take-away goes into effect on Aug. 23.

After more than a year of lobbying with letters, faxes, e-mails and phone calls it comes down to this: will we be able to put enough pressure on senators and members of Congress during July to make them block the overtime pay take-away? The answer is up to us. If we act together we could make a difference.

Please take one minute right now to send a free fax to your members of Congress and senators by clicking on the link below.

Tell them to act to block Bush's overtime pay take-away. Potentially millions of America's workers—earning as little as $23,600 a year—will lose much needed income they use to take care of everyday needs like health care, housing costs and even food.

The final regulation that would take away overtime pay from millions of America's workers was issued by the Bush administration in April. Effective Aug. 23, employers may begin to reclassify their employees as exempt—denying them the right to overtime pay. That is why action right now is so important. Click below now or keep reading for more information.

Even if you have acted before we need your help right now. After you send your fax to your senators and members of Congress please forward this e-mail to your friends, family or co-workers or click below to spread the word.

Here is a timeline of the upcoming fight to save overtime pay.

July 6-23: The U.S. House and Senate will meet to deliberate on several issues. During these deliberations there will be votes on the Bush overtime pay take-away. Please stay alert for the exact dates.

Mid-July: Economic Policy Institute will release final analysis of new overtime pay regulations—predicting how many workers will lose their right to overtime pay effective Aug. 23.

July 23: U.S. House and Senate recess until September.

Aug. 23: Bush overtime pay take-away goes into effect. Employers may begin reclassifying employees as exempt.

Please fax your senators and representatives today by clicking below.

Don't forget: please forward this alert to your friends, family and co-workers.

Thanks for all you do.

In Solidarity,

Working Families e-Activist Network, AFL-CIO
July 6, 2004

P.S. For more information on the Bush overtime pay take-away click on the link below.



It does not say WHO could be reclassified to exempt. And because there is not enough information, I would be derelict in my political activism to blindly sign anything. Where can I learn more?

I went to the web site as indicated and then followed the most likely links. It just hypes the information previously presented.
A true soldier fights, not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves whats behind him...dear parents, please remember not to continue to fight because you hate your ex, but because you love your children.


I just went in and had no problems seeing what Bush is trying to do.

Many of us rely on overtime to put food on the table and a roof over our heads.

This is the link I used  



If we didn't get my husband's overtime and double-time we wouldn't be able to survive.  Because we pay so much in child support right now, the only money we get is the overtime.  I can't believe that he is trying to take that away.  My husband works his a$$ off everyday to support us and that means being away from us every weekend and about 12 hours a day so we have food on the table.  What a crock of sh$$!

I hope other people respond to this.  I hate the government, don't you?!!
Ha, ha!!



A lot of things in life are not fair. What this will do is destroy the future of many people. There is still time to do something about it before it gets signed.

How can you save for retirement if you have to work a minimum of 10 hours a week just to get the basics.

I am very disappointed that this is even being considered. Hope our representives do what they are getting paid for.

But that is another story...