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Has anyone used the PTT in court or mediation?

Started by MyAngels4, Jul 07, 2004, 03:20:31 PM

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>Thanks for letting me know you need excel. We don't have that.

Alot of people don't; unfortunately that's one of the major drawbacks to using the PTT. I think the whole idea of Optimal being a web service was to eliminate the need for Excel and to make it accessible from anywhere via the net. I know they (the Optimal people) talked alot with the admin here when they were making Optimal to get ideas on how to make it better.

>I talked to him about buying the Optimal service but I don't
>know if it's worth it to us.  We only get her every other
>weekend and as of right now, she doesn't even want to come and
>see us because her mom has brainwashed her into thinking that
>we discipline her too much.  
>We haven't gotten her for about 3 weeks now but I'm hoping
>that will change soon.  

No matter what you use, this is exactly the kind of thing you should be documenting. Whether it's the PTT or Optimal or a paper notebook, this is the kind of stuff that needs to be recorded.

>We know of quite a few weekends that her aunts or her grandma
>have had her but I don't know if that can be used in court
>because it was told to us by someone else.  

Having it on the record somewhere means it can be checked and verified later if need be.

>Even if you track what you heard happened on the weekends and
>certain other times, do you think the judge would listen to

An evaluator or judge could consider this kind of thing and it may help them make a decision. It never hurts to document all this stuff. If you aren't certain of something, say so in your notes, but at least get it on the record.

>Can you help make our decision?

I think Optimal is a good deal, but regardless of what you use the important thing is to be documenting events as consistently as possible.


The other drawback to the PTT of sparcs,, is the other party can claim its merely more hesaid/she said.

Thats what I faced in court,, BUT, the judge did accept it into evidense and did read it.


Wether it is Sparcs PTT or the Optimal, both can be called he said/ she said. So long as the logging is consistant and truthful it can be used as a tool in custody fights.

We used the PTT, The only part I had problems with was the cs section.  Besides the PTT you also need to keep a journal. Make sure you label it across the top 'Confidential for ------' so the other party cannot get there hands on your journal.