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Received this notice from lawyer.... What does it mean?

Started by wallyworld85, Mar 13, 2004, 10:59:11 AM

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First page is a supoena to my present wife for our court date.  I requested this because I would like my wife to drive the long distance with me (safer driving that far than by myself AND I need moral support!)

Second page states this:  

Notice of service of respondant's witness interrogatories to Petitioner

NOTICE IS HERBY GIVEN that he respondent (me) served the original and one copy of Respondent's Witness Interrogatories to Petioner, MS X, to be answered within the time and manner as prescribed by Florida Family LAw Rules of Proceduure, and FLorida Rules of Civil Procedure.

Certificate of Service

Her lawyer
Also, you stated that because I have not seen my daughter in 1.5 years due to visitation interference that if my ex says no visitation in IL because of this that the judge will likely agree.   My ex REQUESTED the mod. of visitation in HER petition.  SHE stated, "Since the entry of the final judgement there has been a sub change in circim. requring mod. of the visitation schedule within.  Spec.  The mother and child reside in FL and the father in iL.  the current schedule is impracical and financilly impossible to comply.  (every other weekend)  It would be int eh best interest of the child for the court to set a resonable and practical visitaitn schedule.

Fl has a standard interstate schedule (1/2 of summers and alternating long weekend/holidays/)

My ex offered me all summer, but she may have changed her mind wanting to be a witch and to make me suffer.

 There is a new judge listed on the supenena that we received that will be hearing the final court hearing

1.  What are "Respondent's Witness Interrogatories" ?(what does witness interr. mean?)

2.  Okay does this mean my ex has to answer questions pertaining to my present wife (who was supoenaed)?

3.  If so what kind of questions will my ex (the petitioner be answering or writing?)

Im confused obviously.

4. Do you still believe that if my ex reqested min. visitation due to not seeing her for 1.5 years (becasue of my EX) that the judge would likely agree.

5.  Why is there a different judge now?  Does that mean the other resigned of the case?


>>1.  What are "Respondent's Witness Interrogatories" ?(what
>does witness interr. mean?)

Questions to be answered under oath.

>2.  Okay does this mean my ex has to answer questions
>pertaining to my present wife (who was supoenaed)?

Whoever was served the interrogatories must answer them.

>3.  If so what kind of questions will my ex (the petitioner be
>answering or writing?)

You have a right to obtain a copy.

>4. Do you still believe that if my ex reqested min. visitation
>due to not seeing her for 1.5 years (becasue of my EX) that
>the judge would likely agree.

Yes, I do. Judge's always attempt to maintain the status quo, unless there is some strong evidence mandating a change, like a custody eval report, or a child demanding to change homes, or signs of physical or mental abuse on the part of a parent or child.

>5.  Why is there a different judge now?  Does that mean the
>other resigned of the case?