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Another question about our custody case

Started by AuntieB, Apr 19, 2004, 01:48:56 PM

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The Guardian Ad Litem called this morning and spoke to my husband. My husband made the comment that if we recieve the child, he wanted to know if Legal Grandma could still see the child. He said no but my husband didn't explain why.

What Hubby failed to explain was LGrandma made an indirect threat to me, 2) her son punched the child in the face last summer 3) recently beat up my neice (childs mother) recently. Needless to say I had an awful lot to iron out with GAL

I finally told GAL I didn't think that since Lfather was removed from the case that he should still be around the child. He is now free to see him whenever he wants even though his abuse record is thick. GAL said for me to talk to my attorney, but still pushing for liberal visitation for LGrandma.

I am truley concerned for my nephews well being and safety.

1) Should we try to contact children services and see what move they are going to make regarding my nephews placement? (Atty. that is)

2) What rights do we have after we recieve custody about Non-Biological relative seeing him?


>1) Should we try to contact children services and see what
>move they are going to make regarding my nephews placement?
>(Atty. that is)

If this were my case, I would be in front of the juvenille court right now asking for the matter to be dismissed and the child ordered placed in the care of its parents. The child is currently in the care of a legal stranger and it is debatable as to the quality of the parent-child relationship. I would also stipulate to giving these illegal gps (pun intended) visitation.

Two reasons for this: (1) it satisfies the GAL who's trying to act in the child's interest; (2) it satisfies the gp's because they can continue to see the child; (3) eventually the gps are gonna get tired of coming, because it's not really their kid. You need to wean both the child and the gps.

Then as time goes on, you can go back to court and ask that the gp's visitation be terminated, because they're not exercising it, and they're not gonna care at that point.

>2) What rights do we have after we recieve custody about
>Non-Biological relative seeing him?

It all depends on what the court orders. As long ast the legal gps have an established parent-child relationship, they can continue to interfere in your life. If you offer them a bone, they'll probably take it; if you stand and fight, they'll probably fight. Pick your battle and open your wallet.