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NH Gets Meeting with Governor - Fathers Rights

Started by wendy, Jul 19, 2004, 04:11:58 AM

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I have been on the board, but just signed up for posting. My brother/family have not been allowed to see our son/nephew/grandson in over a year. The Ex's attorney or the court has delayed each and every court date, so he has not even had his day in court! An initial RO was filed (of course) and then 6 months later when her side was loosing he got slapped with an 11 year old claim of abuse by the DSS. The DA is not prosecuting because they can see how bogus it is, however In my quest for knowledge, advice and what ever I could get I joined a group called the National Congress for Fathers and Children and The Childrens Rights Counsel. On June 24th we went to the Brentwood Court house for an open door session with the Gov. He heard from 9 different people regarding 9 different issues relating to a dads right to see his children, child support laws that bankrupt fathers and the injustice of our court systems that take children away first and ask questions later.

On Friday July 23rd the Governor will be meeting with us from 1 - 1:30 (huge right?) at his office with Chief Justice Broderick of the SC and I believe someone from the child support agency (not confirmed). If you know of people in the Mass/NH/Maine/Vermont area that can attend please ask them, we need as many people there that we can possibly get. I know you are aware the need for dads has gone to the wayside and we need to get it to the people so everyone will know the injustice that is happening on a daily basis (I would never have known if I was not thrust into this) YOu can get more information on //www.dadsneedrights.org. Thanks (any advice for our case would of course be welcome :) )