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BM earning more money

Started by Wi-Mom, Sep 12, 2004, 04:02:32 PM

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My husband has two children. He has full placement of one child, ex-wife has full placement of the other.  WI-Child support has ordered him to pay an offset based on his income of $15/hour and her job paying $8/hour.

Very shortly after this order, she told my husband in conversation that she's working her $8/hour job and making as much per week selling Avon on the internet. We even have an email that she accidentally sent to my mother in law to someone from AVON concerning a recent order.

She'd been making this money at the time that the court ordered the offset which she initiated. She just didn't disclose the AVON income.

My husband called child support and asked if they were aware of this "second job" of hers and they said they have no record of it.  They did not offer to investigate.

1. What can we do to get them to change the order based on her extra income without paying a fortune to an attorney?

2. How can we prove that she's earning this income?

3. Can we get money back since she didn't disclose the income in the first place?

4. What consequences would she be subjected to?


>1. What can we do to get them to change the order based on her
>extra income without paying a fortune to an attorney?

Nothing. They have no incentive to investigate, because it just reduces their take and the federal matching funds that they receive.

>2. How can we prove that she's earning this income?

Well, the email could be used to get the court to order her to produce further documentation. And you can subpoena the custodian of records at Avon Corp.

>3. Can we get money back since she didn't disclose the income
>in the first place?

Possibly. This could be a fraud and grounds for setting aside the last CS order.

>4. What consequences would she be subjected to?

If she purjured herself, she could be sanctioned, or even charged criminally, although I doubt the latter. The big consequence, is that she would owe you for the support she received but wasn't entitled to.