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Is this insane or what?

Started by gr8Dad, Aug 23, 2004, 02:59:28 AM

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Only MEN commit statutory rape?

Oh yeah, when WOMEN do it, it's called "Sexual Misconduct"


>Only MEN commit statutory rape?
>Oh yeah, when WOMEN do it, it's called "Sexual Misconduct"

Couldn't agree more. It's hypocrisy of the most blatant sort.

When women rape a boy, the woman is almost never called a "rapist". The boy is often referred to as the woman's "lover". Witness the Mary K. Letourneau case, the news reports called the boy her "lover", "paramour", etc etc.

Now that she's out of jail (as a re-offender, no less!)she's asked the judge to lift the no-contact order....and the judge did! If I had raped a female student I was teaching, I'd satill be in jail, and there's NO WAY they'd let us see each other if I ever got out.

Here's an example of how the media spins rape into "love":

"Mary Kay Letourneau, the former teacher notorious for having sex with a sixth-grader in what she described as a love affair....."

Yeah, she didn't *rape* him, they "had sex".

The amazing thing is that female teachers are doing this A LOT, and more and more are getting caught. Very few of them are punished, unlike male teachers who are usually sent to prison for years and years and years.


The article doesn't address the fact that girls have been known to lie about their age.  Then Planned Parenthood chimes in with,  "If she starts at 11 or 12, her partner is more likely to be a decade or older," Sparks said. "It's pretty shocking."  That isn't statutory rape, it's child molestation.

Where are the parents of these children?

Usually when women do the same crime, they are teachers.  You can add abuse of authority to that.  I find it completely unnatural for a grown woman to even think about having relations with a boy.  However when this subject comes up on other boards, the guys start reminiscing about that hot teacher in JH or HS.  


See post #2.  

If I'm not mistaken,  the young man petitioned to lift the no contact order.  He wanted to spend time and talk with her.  Don't forget, they have 2 kids together.  Gross...

I think I covered this in my other post, but that boy was 12 when Mary Kay pounced on him?  That is child molestation.  I haven't heard if she's been made to register as a sex offender, like a man would.

You're probably around my age.  Do you remember hearing about women teachers preying on their male students when you were in school?  There was always a female gym teacher that we would avoid dressing out in front of, but I never even heard rumors of this kind of behavior.  If it was happening, it would be all over the school.

So, what's going on?  Being female, I can tell you how unnatural it is to desire a relationship with a boy.